September 15, 2024

The deadline for bookkeeping delivery has been extended to 6/30

2 min read
The deadline for bookkeeping delivery has been extended to 6/30

Written by Lauren Moulter

CFC Communications

The deadline for the submission of Digital Accounting (ECD), in 2023, will be 30 June. After two requests from the Federal Accountancy Board (CFC), the National Federation of Accounting, Advice, Expertise, Information and Research Services Firms (Fenacon) and the Independent Audit Institute of Brazil (Ibracon), through letter groups, RFB extended the deadline for the delivery of the additional commitment. Soon, Federal Revenue will release more information about the calendar.

Traditionally, the document must be sent by the last business day of May; However, accounting professionals struggled to meet the deadline. In the letter sent recently by the entities, last week, for example, CFC, Fenacon and Ibracon all argued that the day set to deliver the ECD coincided with the deadline for sending the Individual Income Tax Return (DIRPF).

The Council, the Federation and the Institute emphasized that the taxpayers who have to file income tax and ECD are different, and there is no synergy between them. According to trade associations, this situation requires more effort from teams who need to work hard to serve customers and deliver completely different tasks in one month. And to be sure, they point out that each year, there is an increase in the number of transmissions of early childhood developmental diseases, reaching 1.3 million in 2021. Additionally, for 2023, 39 million income tax returns are expected.

Class entities also highlighted the increase in income tax complexity, mainly due to more individuals entering the capital market. Other points mentioned for extending the bookkeeping delivery date were instabilities that occur in RFB systems when there is concentration in preparing and moving commitments within short periods of time and publications of updates to the book generator software versions that occurred in 2023.

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