July 27, 2024

The ranking shows the most cited UFU scientists in the world

2 min read

In a list of 100,000 of the world’s most cited scientists, five of them are from Federal University of Oberlandia (UFU). The survey, conducted by researchers at Stanford University (USA) and using the bibliographic database Scopus as a reference, was published on October 19.

Scientists UFU Three professors of the Institute of Biology are mentioned in the list indicating the profession: Heraldo El Vasconcelos, Kleber del Claro and André Nemesio; One from the Faculty of Medicine: Marcelo Simao Ferreira; and one from the Pontal Institute of Exact and Natural Sciences: Ariovaldo Antonio Giaretta.

In the second list, which only takes into account 2020, there are again Nemesio, Del Claro and Vaconcelos, and 10 other scientists from the UFU: Marcos Antonio de Sousa Barroso, Eduardo M. Richter, Carlos Jose Soares, Alison Rocha Machado, Daniel Pascini, Enyo b. Bandara Filho, Rodrigo A.; Muñoz, Alam J. Truffaut, Matthias B. J. Szabo, and Ernán Antonio Alves Coelho.

In the opinion of Del Claro, mentioned in both lists, the quality of the publications and their impact on the international community are crucial. “To be cited in any field, a study must present a demonstrable innovation or discovery that is relevant to scientific theory,” he said.

“What happens with most works is that there is nothing new or that does not discuss the theory, that does not contribute to the advancement of science. In fact, many people publish too many, too many ‘cake recipe’. That is, they repeat the methods. This confirms what is already known. And it has no effect,” the professor added. It also includes fluency in the English language and participation in international scientific events.

Murillo Vieira da Silva, Research Director at UFU’s Dean of Research and Graduate Studies, stated that during a researcher’s life, dedication, perseverance and a love of knowledge are key factors to overcoming all the obstacles posed by science. “Especially in our country where science still needs more appreciation,” he highlighted.

“In this sense, relying on such expressive participation of UFU researchers in this arrangement makes us very happy and convinced that all efforts are worthwhile. The Research Council congratulates each of our researchers and expresses its great gratitude for their dedication and for making our institution recognized worldwide,” stated Silva.

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