July 27, 2024

The United Kingdom may have a Prime Minister of Indian origin or the daughter of a conservative left | Globalism

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The United Kingdom may have a Prime Minister of Indian origin or the daughter of a conservative left |  Globalism
The United Kingdom may have a Prime Minister of Indian origin or the daughter of a conservative left |  Globalism

a United kingdom A new prime minister this week. Who will choose the next leader of the country are members of the Conservative Party. About 160,000 people are expected to vote (there are more members, but not everyone is expected to vote) on Monday (5).

The two candidates are the current Foreign Minister, Les Trussor the former Minister of Finance, Rishi Sunak.

The two are vying for the position of Conservative Party leader, with Boris Johnson, who holds the position, resigning. Since he is also the Prime Minister, the winner also becomes the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

The winner must be announced on Monday (5), from 8:30 a.m. Brasilia time.

How will you transfer power?

On Tuesday, incumbent Prime Minister Boris Johnson is due to make an announcement at Government House in London, and shortly thereafter travel to present his resignation to the Queen Elizabeth II.

The event usually takes place at Buckingham Palace in London, but this time it will be at Balmoral Castle in Scotland, where the Queen spends her holidays (the Queen has mobility issues).

Soon, Queen Elizabeth II will appoint the next prime minister. The victor (Trus or Sunak) will meet the Queen, and listen to the request to form a government.

During her reign, Queen Elizabeth II appointed 14 prime ministers.

Queen Elizabeth II on the last day of the platinum jubilee celebrations – Image: Reproduction/Globunews

The winner will then return to London to deliver a speech outside Government House. This should happen around 18:00 GMT. Soon after, the new prime minister must appoint the government. On Wednesday, the new government must hold its first meeting and will also receive its first questions from the opposition leader.

Meet the candidates below.

Liz Truss: The daughter of the left rebelled and became a conservative

Conservative politician Liz Truss became known to the general public in the UK for a speech she gave about the amount of food the country imports. “We import two-thirds of the cheese,” she said in exasperation. “The video has become a meme among the British.”

Foreign Secretary Liz Truss during the election campaign for UK Prime Minister (Image: REUTERS/Toby Melville)

She has become an advocate of Brexit and tax cuts, policies popular with the Conservatives.

Truss, the country’s foreign affairs minister, said she had a plan to cut taxes that would have an impact of around £30 billion.

The minister sells herself as a true conservative – claiming that her rival, who is also a Tory member and works at Goldman Sachs, is a “socialist”.

Truss’ mother was a nurse and teacher, and her father taught mathematics. She says the two were leftists and opponents of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher (today, Thatcher is Truss’ idol).

She even criticized the monarchy when she was in the Liberal Democratic Party, when she was still studying at Oxford University. She said her conversion to conservatism was a rebellion motivated by the belief that people should “succeed on merit.”

She worked as a chancellor until she was elected to Parliament in 2010. In 2014, during a Conservative Party conference, she gave a speech about cheese saying “that’s a disgrace.”

Since taking over the foreign affairs portfolio in September 2021, she has been openly critical of Russian leader Vladimir Putin and has also told China that the response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a lesson.

Truss is seen as a detail-oriented workaholic. Her supporters believe she can stabilize the government after three years of Johnson’s rule.

In addition to the tax cuts, Truss said the debt arising from the COVID-19 pandemic should be treated as “war debt” and paid over a longer period.

Sunak criticized his plan, calling it a “fairy tale”. Truss replied, “You can’t raise taxes” (an indirect tax, since he’s responsible for raising taxes).

Despite voting to remain in the European Union in the 2016 referendum on Brexit, Truss took a hard line on Northern Ireland trade (one of the less well-resolved issues in Brexit).

One of its biggest weaknesses is that it is not considered a good means of communication. In one debate, she admitted that she might not be “the most skilled broadcaster,” but “when I say I’m going to do something, I do.”

Rishi Sunak: The Descendant of the Indians Who Became a Millionaire

Among the criticisms of Rishi Sunak, one of the candidates for Conservative Party leader (and thus to be UK Prime Minister), is that he is too wealthy.

Ex-Finance Minister Rishi Sunak at the launch of the UK Conservative Party leader’s election campaign – Photo: Stephane Russo / PA via AP

His wife is the daughter of a millionaire Indian businessman. It was also discovered that she was paying taxes in another country, at a time when Sunak was raising British taxes.

Some Conservative lawmakers fear that because of his wealth, he could be an easy target for the centre-left Labor Party in elections scheduled for 2024.

Colleagues warn of a leader using a mug that costs 180 pounds (1,130 R$).

The son of an Indian doctor and pharmacist born in East Africa and emigrated to Britain in the 1960s, Sunak left a lucrative career in finance, including stints at Goldman Sachs and hedge fund TCI, to become a Member of Parliament in 2015.

In 2020, at the age of 39, Sunak was appointed by Boris Johnson to be in charge of the country’s finances. Weeks after taking office, he began grappling with the economic disruption caused by the pandemic.

He adopted measures during the pandemic that were well accepted in the country (there was even praise from unionists).

The politician achieved a certain amount of consensus, but lost it on his way out of the coronavirus crisis: the UK owed an additional £400bn of debt.

Sunak insisted that his priority was fiscal reform and he offered almost no additional support to the hardest-hit households in the budget update in March this year, only to bow to mounting pressure and rush into additional measures in May.

Sunak’s popularity took a turn for the worse after he was fined for violating coronavirus lockdown rules and confirmed he held a US residency visa while working for the British government, raising questions about whether he sees his long-term future in Britain.

And his critics say he will raise taxes.

Sunak won several rounds of voting among Tory MPs.

Patrick English, associate director of polling firm YouGov, said Sunal has low levels of popularity among voters – polls currently suggest he will miss the second round – but his experience in managing the economy could help him turn things around.

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