July 27, 2024

Ukrainians are unable to take back Mariupol

2 min read
Ukrainians are unable to take back Mariupol
Ukrainians are unable to take back Mariupol

Ukraine’s Deputy Defense Minister Hanna Maliar said today that his country is not in a position to withdraw Russian forces from the port city of Mariupol in southeastern Ukraine. “If there is an opportunity to open the city by military means, the country’s leadership will use it,” he said in a statement to Ukrainian media.

Mariupol has been under siege by Russian forces for about two months, practically since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukrainian lands. Currently, the Ukrainian resistance point in the city, which is strategic for Russia, is Azovstal ComplexWhere the Ukrainian fighters are housed. The Russian war has arrived today Seventy-seventh day.

The Deputy Minister also commented that Mariupol is currently defended by the Armed Forces, Border Guard, National Guard and National Police. “We must understand that this is a very sensitive topic and that every word can be used by the enemy and hurt the defenders.”

Hanna - procreation - procreation

Hanna Maliar, Deputy Defense Minister of Ukraine

Photo: reproduction

Today, Mallyaar has confirmed that civilians have already been evacuated from Azovstal. Today, the fighters still in the compound again appealed for evacuation. Between yesterday and today, they note that Azovstal has been the target of at least 38 attacks by Russian forces. The Ukrainian Defense Ministry confirmed the Russian bombings.

Map of Russia invades Ukraine - 26.02.2022 - Arte UOL - Arte UOL
Photo: UOL Art

“medieval ghetto”

The mayor of Mariupol, Vadim Boychenko, said the Russian occupiers had turned the port city into a “medieval ghetto”. “Without medicines and medical care, and the restoration of adequate water supply and sanitation in the city, epidemics will break out. Today, the majority of the current population is old and sick. Without adequate conditions, the mortality rate among vulnerable groups will increase dramatically.”

He estimated that “more than 10,000 people could die from intolerable diseases and conditions in Mariupol”. The city will currently have a population of about 150,000, according to the mayor. “Our people are in mortal danger. Therefore, a complete evacuation of the city is necessary.”

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