July 27, 2024

UN Reports: Over 800 Casualties in Devastating Attack on Darfur Tow

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UN Reports: Over 800 Casualties in Devastating Attack on Darfur Tow
UN Reports: Over 800 Casualties in Devastating Attack on Darfur Tow

Deadly Attack in Sudan’s Darfur Region Leaves Over 800 Dead, UN Confirms

In a heartbreaking act of violence, paramilitary forces and their allied Arab militias launched a deadly attack on the town of Ardamata in Sudan’s war-torn region of Darfur. The attack has resulted in the deaths of over 800 people, with doctors and the United Nations (UN) confirming the high death toll.

Darfur has been plagued by ongoing conflict between the Sudanese military and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF). This recent attack is just one in a series of atrocities that have been witnessed in the region. The conflict was sparked in mid-April following tensions between military chief Gen. Abdel-Fattah Burhan and RSF commander Gen. Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, which escalated into open warfare.

Despite recent negotiations facilitated by the U.S. and Saudi Arabia, the RSF, backed by Arab militias, has continued to advance in Darfur. Talks aimed at establishing a cease-fire failed, leading to further violence. In the attack on Ardamata, the RSF took control of a military base in the town, prompting the Sudanese military to withdraw. The RSF and their militias then rampaged through the town, targeting non-Arabs and specifically aiming at the African Masalit tribe.

The Darfur Bar Association accused the RSF of committing serious human rights violations, including killings and detentions of defenseless civilians in Ardamata. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) reported that over 800 people were killed in the attack, and an additional 8,000 fled to neighboring Chad, with expected higher numbers of displaced individuals.

The UNHCR also revealed that the attack resulted in the destruction of 100 shelters in Ardamata, as well as extensive looting, including aid belonging to the agency. The United States State Department expressed deep concern over the reports of human rights abuses by the RSF and affiliated militias, emphasizing their longstanding pattern of abuses during military offensives.

This attack is not an isolated incident; Ardamata is located just north of Geneina, the capital of West Darfur, which has also witnessed attacks by the RSF and Arab militias. These attacks have displaced non-Arab populations and led to further humanitarian crises.

The RSF and their allied Arab militias have faced previous accusations of committing atrocities, including mass rape, in Darfur and the capital, Khartoum. Consequently, the International Criminal Court has initiated an investigation into alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity in Darfur.

Since the conflict in Darfur began, thousands have lost their lives, and over 6 million people have been displaced, with 1.2 million seeking refuge in neighboring countries. The fighting has not only affected the capital, Khartoum, but has also caused significant damage to infrastructure, including the recent collapse of a bridge over the Nile River. Both sides have traded accusations concerning the bridge’s destruction.

The situation in Darfur remains dire, as innocent lives continue to be lost, and the need for a lasting solution becomes increasingly urgent. International organizations and humanitarian agencies are working tirelessly to provide aid and support to those affected by this devastating conflict.

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