July 27, 2024

Understand why some people don’t get Covid-19 – Santa Catarina news site

3 min read
Entenda por que algumas pessoas nunca tiveram Covid-19
Entenda por que algumas pessoas nunca tiveram Covid-19

CNN Health contributor Dr. Elmer Huerta explains that recent research points to two theories based on several studies.

With prevention measures and vaccines, we seem to be putting the worst of the pandemic behind us and its dangers COVID-19 It appears to be smaller than it was in 2020.

However, the virus has played its part and more infectious variants have emerged in the past year causing new waves and thousands of infections around the world that do not stop.

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Santa Catarina news site - news from Tiempo, Indial, Blumenau and the region

At the moment, there are still a few lucky ones who have not contracted the Coronavirus, and given the number of infections, this group is getting smaller and smaller.

While this has been one of the biggest questions for science, no conclusive evidence has been found as to why some people have been able to avoid infection more than two years into the pandemic.

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Santa Catarina news site - news from Tiempo, Indial, Blumenau and the region

Natural immunity against COVID-19 is under continuous study

Since the beginning of the pandemic, there has been talk of immunity in people who were exposed to Covid-19 but did not become infected.

Since then, scientists around the world have studied whether natural immunity is possible, but so far there is no conclusive evidence.

In a study published by Nature in late 2021, scientists said they were evaluating and studying the genes of people thought to be resistant to Covid-19 infection.

Researchers are trying to discover the unique genetic and immune features that can make a person more susceptible or immune to disease.

“Clinical variability in response to infections, whether viral or not, at least in some individuals, may be explained by human genetic factors.”Explain the study.

It ensures that so far the proportion of people who are naturally resistant to SARS-CoV-2 infection is not known.

However, they claim, from several lines of evidence, that a number of candidate genes potentially involved in innate human resistance to Covid-19 infection have emerged.

• Read also: Indianaal launches COVID-19 vaccine for children

Genetics is the key

According to data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 43.3% of Americans have antibodies against SARS-CoV-2, which means that just over half of the population has not been infected.

Aside from taking care of themselves during the pandemic, it’s not entirely clear why more than half of Americans have not been infected.

CNN Health contributor Dr. Elmer Huerta explains that recent research points to two theories based on several studies.

Theories explain the phenomenon by which some people may be resistant to infection with the new Corona virus.

The first theory says that some people are able to eliminate the new Corona virus due to the neutralization of antibodies and memory T cells in their bodies, as a result of suffering from the old cold.

The second theory is that some humans are able to produce substances inside their cells that destroy not only the invading virus, but the infected cell as well.

Huerta’s conclusion is, it seems, that some people, “Through genetically determined mechanisms, they are able not to get infected with the new coronavirus.

Either because they are protected by old infections with other coronaviruses or because they produce substances inside their cells to destroy the virus.”

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