July 27, 2024

What changes with the arrival of 5G? Explore the possibilities of technology | Technique

5 min read
Foto: (Toby Melville/File Photo/Reuters)
Foto: (Toby Melville/File Photo/Reuters)

NS 5G, a new mobile communication technology, will start arriving in Brazil in 2022 – first in large cities and over time in other municipalities in the country.

Immediately, people who connect to the network will experience A Higher speed for downloading and sending files via cell phone and lower delay in video calls.

This is because 5G speed can be up to 100 times faster than 4G connections And it will have the so-called low latency (the minimum response time, responsible for the “delay” that occurs in calls).

Technology will not always reach its absolute speeds, but the improvement should be significant.

The development of the network will allow to connect several objects to the Internet at the same time: a cell phone, a car, a traffic light, a watch. All this can already be connected to the 4G network, but an improvement is expected so that everything works more stable.

Improvements in speed, response time, and network reliability promise to unlock a range of applications.

Remote surgeries, for example, are more likely to occur when the network provides minimal response time.

The same goes for self-driving cars, which are still being tested. Currently, vehicles that drive alone process a lot of information without relying on the Internet.

If all the vehicles could connect to the network, they would be able to exchange information with each other and “outsource” information processing to remote data centers.

4G’s response time is still not fast enough to do all that, and it doesn’t support a lot of devices connected at the same time.

The infographic shows 5G applications. – Photo: Wagner Magalhães/Arte G1

5G could revolutionize the smartphone itself, because higher speeds would allow many tasks to stop being processed on the device chip and start happening in the cloud, borrowing the power of computers.

The same can happen with medical accessories such as bracelets and connected watches.

In practice and on a daily basis, video calls should become more visible, the online gaming experience should also be improved, live video streams should be disrupted less, and signal loss in the crowd will be more rare.

None of this will happen overnight – technology is advancing incrementally, every day a little better.

In addition, it will be necessary to adapt the equipment: operators will need to install antennas and people will have to purchase network-compatible devices.

Infographic shows the advantages of 5G over 4G. – Photo: Wagner Magalhães/Arte G1

Wilson Cardoso, an IEEE member and director of Nokia solutions in Latin America, recalls the uses of the Internet made possible with 4G and compares it with the new.

“We didn’t have Uber in the 3G network because the features that Uber requested, the location and the speed were not available. These apps came with the 4G networks deployed. When we have 5G spread, we will have sensors and new apps,” he said to g 1 last March.

When 3G technology was still dominant, it took a long time to upload a video or photo to a social network without using Wi-Fi.

Watching a video on YouTube? The chances of it crashing in half were great – and it was expensive (operators always pay for the amount of data used).

Today, with 4G, we publish stories and TikToks in a matter of seconds and see the contents of friends on the bus, at the bar, in the waiting room… Social networks have occupied their space along with the advancement of internet speed.

Logo do 5G – Foto: ERIC PIERMONT / AFP

5G will arrive first to incorporate these changes and trim some of the jagged edges – live streams are still being disrupted in some cases, and that should change with the new network.

Next, the network must allow the news to appear. NS metaverse, a new obsession for Facebook owner Mark Zuberberg, it will only be possible with a fast and reliable internet – in addition to the other applications already mentioned.

Will 5G replace fixed internet?

No. 5G is very powerful and promises faster speeds even than what we have at home, but the trend is that the mobile network is going to be a complement, just as it does today.

To connect a computer, light bulbs, vacuum cleaners, and refrigerators, among dozens of other things, Wi-Fi will remain the main bridge to the Internet.

5G is the mobile network, for things that need to be connected to the internet on the go.

Cabo de internet fixa – Photo: Mario Alberto Magallanes Trigo / FreeImages

For Eduardo Todd, president of Teleco, a communications consultancy, the Internet will also evolve. The need to install more fiber optic cables in cities to meet connectivity requirements may speed up the entire infrastructure.

“For the 5G network to provide the speed, it is also necessary to have access with optical fibers in the antenna,” he explains.

Operators generally do not provide exclusive access to one type of network technology, but Data allowance fee. The more you browse, the more you pay.

The companies have not yet decided whether there will be price adjustments in their packages, as it will be months before the technology becomes available.

The power of 5G will be better used if the data is cheaper – downloading 4K video will be much faster, but an hour of transmission with this quality consumes about 7 GB of data, while in 720p (HD) the consumption is close to 1 GB.

For Marina Beta, executive coordinator of Intervozes, a body that monitors the debate on the implementation of 5G in Brazil, No prediction yet Internet price reduction.

Despite this, the data shows that the Internet has become cheaper over the past few years.

There is no official survey by the National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel) With a mobile phone connection price history, but it’s there for fixed broadband – helping paint an overall picture of Internet access in Brazil.

According to the agency, the average value of fixed broadband per 1 megabit per second was R$21.18 in 2010 and rose to R$3.50 in 2019 – a decrease of 83%. However, there is a long way to go.

For many Brazilians, the most attractive options are plans that don’t consume data when accessing certain apps, such as WhatsApp – limiting the web experience as a whole.

Initial access to 5G should be concentrated in the country’s largest cities and in wealthier areas – that’s because operators must install antennas in neighborhoods with high demand for connectivity, and the technology is still compatible with a handful of cell phones (which generally costs more).

The decree that will allow operators to commercially exploit the network does, however, anticipate regional blocks, which are seen as a way to expand competition beyond the big operators, thus ensuring that more regions have high-quality connections.

Companies that win regional lots will have to install 5G antennas in municipalities with fewer than 30,000 residents by the end of 2029.

Regional operators are expected to contribute to bringing the internet to smaller cities, which are not always very attractive to large companies.

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