July 27, 2024

Who knows does not count! Here’s how to read deleted WhatsApp messages

2 min read
Who knows does not count!  Here’s how to read deleted WhatsApp messages
Who knows does not count!  Here’s how to read deleted WhatsApp messages

It has been a long time since WhatsApp released the feature of deleting sent messages. This is a way to avoid misunderstandings, or even get out of trouble for sending the wrong content to the wrong person.

See also: The new WhatsApp feature is perfect for those who forget everything

However, whoever is on the other side and sees that there was a deleted message in the conversation is curious to know what it is about. Of course, if the content is removed, it is probably for the best, in order to avoid embarrassment or even fights.

But if the curiosity is too great, there are resources to be able to view a message that has been deleted by the sender. See what you can do!

Access your notification history

On your phone, to check for a deleted message, just access the settings and activate the The WhatsApp. This way, you will be able to access notifications from all apps, which include message warnings before they are deleted. However, it is possible that you will only be able to read the messages you received after activating this feature.

Use the restore app (Android)

The restore app, for now, is only for Android phones. It can recover audios, photos, videos and read deleted WhatsApp messages. However, there is no point in installing it after receiving the message, it must be on the phone beforehand.

Back up your WhatsApp

This will depend on when it programmed a file Cellular Back up the messenger. If you did this before, you can recover some deleted contents. However, for this trick to be effective, your cell phone must have a high frequency of backups. And, of course, it must be backed up before the contact deletes the message.

Deleted messages alert

It is worth noting that a lot of people are using alternative apps to be able to see deleted messages such as WhatsApp GB and WhatsApp Plus. However, this practice is not recommended, as these applications do not provide good security conditions for users.

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