July 27, 2024

Alpha Capricorn meteor shower peaks in the early hours of Sunday (31) – News

2 min read
Chuva de meteoros Alfa Capricornídeos registrada em 2020
Chuva de meteoros Alfa Capricornídeos registrada em 2020

The Alpha Capricorn meteor will peak at dawn from Saturday (30th) to Sunday (31st). This phenomenon occurs every year, at the same time, from July 3 to August 15.

According to the coordinator of the Astronomy Observatory of Unesp (Universidade Estadual Paulista), Rodolfo Lange, on this occasion, the planet Earth, in its movement around the Sun, crosses a group of particles in space.

“[As partículas] They burn up in our atmosphere and give rise to meteors. These particles are bits of comet 169P/NEAT that separate from it every time they pass close to the sun and are exposed to heat,” the astronomer explains.

Langhi also says that the phenomenon bears this name because meteor showers are associated with the names of the constellations or a certain point in a constellation. In this case, the name of this shower is associated with the brightest star in the constellation Capricorn.

“The brightest star in any constellation gets the first letter of the Greek alphabet, alpha. Thus, the brightest star in the constellation Capricorn is Alpha Capricorn.”

In the case of these meteors that will be seen in the sky this weekend, Langhi continues by saying that their bright traces appear to those on Earth as paths starting from a point in the sky close to this star.

The specialist also recalls that for a better perception of the phenomenon, it is recommended to observe meteors after midnight and the possibility of a greater number of meteors in the sky at dawn.

To observe meteor showers, you do not need any specific equipment, but the astronomer recommends lying on the ground, in a place away from city lights, with a clear sky.

* Trainee in R7Under the direction of Celso Fonseca

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