July 27, 2024

AMD Ryzen Threadripper PRO processors selected to work with Nvidia GeForce NOW

2 min read
AMD Ryzen Threadripper PRO processors selected to work with Nvidia GeForce NOW
AMD Ryzen Threadripper PRO processors selected to work with Nvidia GeForce NOW

Delivering RTX 3080 service plan performance will be the main business of CPUs

a AMD announced that wizards Risen installation tool forefront Will support the new subscription plan RTX 3080 for my subscribers nvidia GeForce currently. help CPUs AMD, the new plan of GeForce Now RTX 3080 It will offer a cloud gaming experience with enhanced graphics to the users. In a press release for AMD He did not say what the model is, but other sources say that 3955WX.

NS GeForce SuperPod Yes nvidia performance usesAMD Risen installation tool PRO 3955WX With 16 cores and 32 threads, a high frequency clock speed (3.9GHz), to support more than 39 petaflops of graphics performance. all Healer It features 128GB PCIe Gen 4 capacity, advanced connectivity, and high-bandwidth memory to ensure that members GeForce Now RTX 3080 You have the right technology for a comfortable and reliable experience.

“Oh GeForce Now SuperPod it’s the GeForce Now RTX 3080 Gaming experiences are the result of more than a decade of advances in cloud gaming, which will make it possible to play at 1440p and 120fps for the first time. Commented Phil Isler, Vice President and General Manager of GeForce now employment nvidia. ‘Processors AMD Ryzen Threadripper PRO You have the best CPUmemory, and I/O performance to carry our games of this generation, helping to deliver a huge leap in performance for gamers.”

In September it’s turn Netflix Notify the choice AMD processors for your servers. NS AMD Epyc 7502P, 32 cores and 64 threads with a base clock of 2.5 GHz and increment to 3.35 GHz, selected by streaming platform. Coincidentally, the nvidia Also found in Netflix Through Mellanox ConnectX-6 DX network adapters.

– Continues after announcement –

GeForce now

NS GeForce now is a service cloud games Where the user plays their games, on different platforms such as Steam and Epic, through a device located on the server. Simply put, it’s like using a cloud player for PC.


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