July 27, 2024

Benedict XVI deplores the existence of “gay clubs” in seminaries

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Benedict XVI deplores the existence of “gay clubs” in seminaries
Benedict XVI deplores the existence of “gay clubs” in seminaries

In his posthumous book entitled: “What is Christianity?” Benedict XVI made a harsh declaration: theological seminaries were turned into gay clubs.

by Infovaticana The late Benedict XVI continues to fight even after his death. In his posthumous book, which came out a few days ago in Italian – it is called “Che cos’è il cristianesimo” (“What is Christianity, in literal translation”), he confirms what has been so much denounced and so many times hidden: the presence of homosexual networks in the clergy Catholics.

There was an elephant in the room, to use the famous cliché, in the ongoing, never-ending sexual abuse scandal of the clergy and its cover-up by the hierarchy, and the elephant is pink.

When, after the McCarrick affair exploded, a mini synod was convened in Rome to address the plague that had afflicted the Catholic clergy for decades, the meeting ended with identifying the culprit: the clergy. To reach this alarming conclusion, it was necessary to proceed with the obvious, contained in all reports about Cases of abuse namely: More than 80% of the reported cases were of homosexuals. They were not, for the most part, cases of pedophilia strictly speaking, as the underage victims were generally not children, but adolescents and young adults, mostly men. It must mean something, but it’s best to ignore it.

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He calculated that Monsignor Viganó, Archbishop, the highest hierarch, was the first (and only?) to publicly and publicly denounce the existence of homosexual infiltration in the Catholic clergy, which began, logically, in theological seminaries.

But Viganò is, after all, a demonic maverick. Now, however, it is the real Pope, even the deceased Pope, who asserts evil. In one text in the posthumous book What is Christianity, Ratzinger decried the existence of “gay clubs” in many seminaries, referring to groups that “behaved more or less openly and obviously changed the climate” in the seminaries for priests.

“In a seminary in southern Germany,” says Benedict XVI, “the candidates for the priesthood and the candidates for the secular ministry lived together.” During communal meals, the seminarians would stay with married pastoral representatives, accompanied in part by wives and children, and in some cases, even girlfriends. The clerical climate did not help in priestly formation.

Later, Benedict XVI revealed that one bishop even allowed the showing of “pornographic films of theologians, presumably with the intent of enabling them to resist faithless behaviour.”

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The volume’s release comes at the same time that a book is hitting bookstores in which Pope Francis comments on homosexuality and states that “God does not disown any of his children,” highlighting the significant difference between conservatives and progressives in the Church.

In the letter in which he requested that these texts be published only after his death, Benedict XVI stated that he no longer wanted to reveal anything in life because of the opposition he experienced in his country. “The anger of the anti-me groups in Germany is so strong,” he said, “that the appearance of any word from me immediately raises a murderous cry.”

Let us pray for the Holy Church and for the Holy Vocations. 🙏

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