October 5, 2024

Beware what a study says about the alleged fossils on Mars

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Beware what a study says about the alleged fossils on Mars


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Science and Technology, UK, England, Mars, Earth, Scotland, University of Oxford, Oxford, Edinburgh

Several researchers have announced the discoveries of possible organisms on the Red Planet, but two scientists have warned of the natural processes that create false fossils.

In a statement, scientists warned that caution should be exercised about supposed fossils found on Mars. published On Thursday (18) by the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom.
According to researchers Sean McMahon, an astrobiologist at the University of Edinburgh, and Julie Cosmides, a geologist at the University of Oxford, UK, scientists will have to look more closely at non-biological mineral deposits that closely resemble fossils, such as There is no tenacity for a Rover from the United States, or Chang’e 5 from China.

“At some point, the Mars probe will encounter something very similar to a fossil, so being able to tell it from structures and chemicals from chemical reactions is vital. For every type of fossil out there, at least one non-biological process creates similar things,” McMahon explained. very much, so there is a real need to improve our understanding of how they are formed.

Examples of these phenomena include physical processes associated with the collapse and deposition of sedimentary layers, which can Produces rocks that have a strong visual similarity to fossils. Fossils can also be created in a “chemical garden,” where the constant mixing of chemicals can produce structures that resemble biological ones. The same can happen with many minerals, which can create biological forms, which look like biological fossils.

Claims of fossil discovery may arise even from patterns and loopholes in rocks made by living things.
As the study authors note, published In the Journal of the Geological Society, there must be many other processes that can produce pseudofossils, which is why scientists must be careful what they discover on the Red Planet, which has been the focus of many research aimed at finding life.
“On many occasions, objects resembling fossilized microbes have been described in ancient rocks on Earth and even In meteorites from Mars, but close examination showed that they had non-biological origins. This article is a cautionary tale in which we urge further research into simulations of life in the context of Mars, so that we can Avoid falling into the same traps over and over againCosmidis suggested.

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