October 5, 2024

How much does a psychologist earn? Get to know the professional details

3 min read
How much does a psychologist earn?  Get to know the professional details

How much does a psychologist earn? This question is very common among those who intend to pursue a career in this field. Psychology is a field full of opportunities, ensuring that professionals have opportunities to work in different sectors and environments. On this date (11/20), Previous negative evidence Brings information about the profession.

How much does a psychologist earn?

Generally, professionals in this field start their career with earning just over 1.9 thousand Rls, and they can go as high as 3.6 thousand Rls.

However, these values ​​can be quite variable, especially when we consider the area in which the psychologist works. In the state of São Paulo, for example, the minimum salary is R$2,800.

In Santa Catarina, psychologists can earn the equivalent of six minimum wages for a 30 hour/week trip. At Mato Grosso do Sul, the reward can be 3.2 thousand RRL.

average wage

See other salary averages for different positions in the region:

  • School psychologist: two thousand Rls;
  • Hospital psychiatrist: R$2,300;
  • Social psychologist: 1.6 thousand RRL;
  • – Psychiatrist in the clinic: 2.1 thousand Brazilian reais;
  • Traffic psychologist: 2.4 thousand Rls;
  • Organizational Psychologist: 2.1 thousand Rls;
  • Neuromarketing: 3.5 million R$.

For those who are willing to pursue this career and get an attractive bonus, know that there are some sectors that usually offer a big salary, such as education, clinic, work and human resources.

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About the profession

How much does a psychologist earn?
How much does a psychologist earn – Photo: Pixabay

Psychology is an increasingly sought-after field and professionals are increasingly compensated.

In addition, psychologists can choose several areas to pursue throughout life, including:

  • Neuromarketing.
  • psychology.
  • clinical psychology;
  • legal psychology;
  • Hospital Psychology.
  • Sports psychology.

Even departments that employ technology, communications, and micro-specialists have called in psychologists to check data on people’s behavior, develop operating platforms, develop new products, and so on.


Those seeking training in psychology can also pay attention to all competitions in the fields of health and education.

Many institutions and institutes need a professional in their routine activities. Therefore, choosing a general examination also ensures the financial stability of the psychologist.

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Now that you know how much a psychologist earns, be sure to pursue this promising career if you’re interested. These professionals are important at any age in our lives and deserve greater recognition in the country.

see also: Find out how much a criminal, labor and other attorney earns

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