July 27, 2024

Brazil has 686 in 24 hours and the average second day is less than 500

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Brazil has 686 in 24 hours and the average second day is less than 500
Brazil has 686 in 24 hours and the average second day is less than 500

Brazil recorded 686 deaths due to COVID-19 in the past 24 hours. With that, the country reached the second day in a row with a moving average of fewer than 500 deaths. Today’s figure was 479.

The figures were obtained by the Federation of Press Vehicles, among them UOL It is part, with state health departments.

With an average day, Brazil completes 11 days with a trend towards stability. The volatility today was -10% compared to the last 14 days.

The moving average is the best indicator for analyzing the epidemic, as it corrects for fluctuations in data from health departments that occur on weekends and holidays. The average of the past seven days was compared to the same indicator 14 days ago. If it remains below -15%, this indicates a downtrend; Above 15% acceleration. Between these two values, stability.

In addition, the total number of Covid-19 victims in Brazil is close to 600,000. With today’s information, the country has recorded 598,871 deaths from the disease.

Today, Roraima and Rondonia have not released the numbers of cases and deaths. In Roraima, this happened due to a public holiday, which means that the municipalities did not fill in the information in the system. The Rondônia government stated that the country is implementing structural changes to adapt to the new SUS (Unified Health System), which was updated in early September.

Regardless of Roraima and Rondonia, 11 states saw a decrease in the moving average of deaths. Seven others were in stable condition, while six others and the Federal District were discharged.

Among the regions, there was a decrease in three regions: the Midwest (-20%), the Northeast (-17%) and the North (-45%). The others remained stable: the Southeast (-4%) and the South (-11%).

As of 20:00 yesterday, Brazil still records 22,109 new cases Corona Virus. In all, 2,149,932 were diagnosed with the disease.

View the situation by state and by federal district

Southeast region

  • Espiritu Santo: stable (-8%)
  • Rio de Janeiro: stable (-15%)
  • São Paulo: stable (1%)

The northern area

  • Amazon: stable (-13%)
  • Rondonia: High (125%) * The state has not released data until 20:00 today, so the difference is for yesterday’s average
  • Roraima: high (25%) * Oh The state hasn’t released data until 8pm today, so the difference is for yesterday’s average

Northeast region

  • Maranhão: stable (-8%)
  • Pernambuco: stable (11%)
  • Rio Grande do Norte: Relegation (-56%)

Midwest region

  • Federal District: High (18%)
  • Mato Grosso: Kida (-49%)
  • Mato Grosso do Sul: stable (-3%)

Southern area

  • Rio Grande do Sul: High (28%)
  • Santa Catarina: fall (-24%)

health data

Today, the Brazilian Ministry of Health announced that 677 new deaths due to COVID-19 have been recorded in the past 24 hours. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the disease has caused a total of 598,829 deaths across the country.

According to the data reported by the volume, there were 20,528 positive diagnoses of the new Corona virus between yesterday and today in Brazil, bringing the total number of infected people to 2,149,074 since March 2020.

According to the federal government, 2,048,785 cases of the disease have been cured so far, with another 41,460 cases to follow.

Vehicles combine for information

In response to the government’s decision Jair Bolsonaro To restrict access to data related to the covid-19 pandemic and the media UOLand O Estado de S.Paulo, Folha de S.Paulo, O Globo, g1 and Extra consortium to work collaboratively to obtain necessary information directly from state health secretariats in 27 units of the Federation.

The federal government, through the Ministry of Health, should be the natural source for these numbers, but the positions of the authorities and the president himself during the pandemic cast doubt on the availability and accuracy of the data.

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