Penhor Caixa accepts the following items as a guarantee: watches, silverware, first-class pens, jewelry, and even FGTS. In short, it is necessary to hand over the object to the enterprise at the time of contracting. The same return occurs after the expiration of the debt repayment.

To apply for the loan, it is necessary to have an asset that can serve as collateral. In possession of the item, simply go to the Caixa branch and apply for the loan. In addition, it is necessary to have an identity document, CPF, as well as proof of address.

Additionally, when applying for a Caixa Pledge Program contract, it is necessary to take the item to undergo evaluation. Thus, if the asset is within the criteria, the institution will make the loan available. In fact, the number of installments and the method of payment are determined at this stage.

If the Caixa pledge is contracted with the FGTS, in the event of default, the debt will be automatically deducted directly from the FGTS. In this form, the amount released is 10% of the available balance in the fund account and 40% of the fine in case of unfair dismissal.