July 27, 2024

CDB with daily liquidity surprises and pays 102% of CDI from 20 BRL

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CDB with daily liquidity surprises and pays 102% of CDI from 20 BRL
CDB with daily liquidity surprises and pays 102% of CDI from 20 BRL

Digital accounts have become one of the most discussed topics on networking yet nubank Announce changes in Nokunta. Since July, the service’s profitability has continued at 100% of CDI, but with the bonus appearing in the balance only after the 30th day of implementation.

Read more: Nubank became “savings”, but customers did not abandon the bank; understand why

Who also did not return was Pickpaywhose fruit Go from 105% to 102% of CDI for balances invested in Certificates of Deposit Bank (CDB). Both, however, outperform their profitability saving accountwhich, even with Selic at 13.75%, currently offers a return of just 6.17% annually.

Faced with this scenario, many people reorganize their financial goals and choose accounts that guarantee good profitability, but with daily liquidity.

A digital account that offers daily liquidity and a return of 102% from CDI

a C6 . Bank The daily liquidity service announced a 102% return on CDI for those investing in CDBs from the digital bank. The minimum value of the applications also attracts attention: it starts from 20 BRL.

Moreover, in the application financial technology It is also possible to find other CBD options, such as post-fixes, which follow some indications. Whoever leaves the money invested for 4 years can earn 116% of the CDI.

There are also prefixed CDBs, the profitability of which is determined at the time of application. The term is 1 year and the return is 14.6% for 12 months.

Popular CBD

The fixed-income pie brings in its share of CDBs, which are a popular alternative in terms of investments. Basically, it acts as a practical way of lending money to financial institutions that return the amount in the future as well as pre-determined bonuses and benefits.

One of the positive points is that the product is protected by the Credit Guarantee Fund (FGC), which is responsible for covering investments of up to R$250,000 per CPF.

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