July 27, 2024

Electric vehicle sales doubled in Brazil in 2021

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Electric vehicle sales doubled in Brazil in 2021
Electric vehicle sales doubled in Brazil in 2021

Despite the benefits of not emitting pollutants and being cheaper to supply, electric cars They are not yet affected by the Brazilian public. The biggest villain remains the high cost of battery-powered vehicles, but infrastructure problems are also hampering mass adoption of this form of mobility.

Here in Brazil there is still no extensive network of public chargers and even homemade outlets need to be prepared to charge electricity. There is also no proper legislation for charging points, and as a result, it is not yet possible to bill the charging as a service.

Despite all the obstacles that remain, sales of electrified vehicles – which include 100% electric and hybrid cars – continue to grow in the Brazilian market. Data from Anfavea, the car dealership association, showed strong growth in October.

Among electric vehicles, 1,805 units were licensed between January and October 2021. The figure is 125.3% higher than the same period last year. The total growth by the end of the year is expected to be more than 150% compared to the combined result for 2020.

Between January and October 2021, 25,135 units of cars with a certain level of electrification were registered, of the most different types of hybrid vehicles. The growth was 32.68% compared to the same accumulated period last year.

While in 2020, electrified vehicles, including electric cars, reached 1% of the total market share, in 2021 this figure has already reached 1.7%. Looking at all passenger cars and light commercial vehicles, regardless of drive, the Brazilian market sold 1,619,990 units.

In total, models that use electricity to propulsion accumulated 27,097 units through October, up 74% from the same period in 2020 (15,565). In October alone, 2,823 electric and hybrid vehicles were licensed, which is 24% higher than October 2020. Compared to September 2021, growth is 2.69%.

According to the Brazilian Electric Vehicle Association (ABVE), the best performance for electrified models was driving flexible hybrids, which combine a propulsion engine capable of running on gasoline or ethanol in any ratio with an electric motor. And this happens despite the fact that only two models from 0 km offer such technology: Toyota Corolla and Corolla Cross, manufactured respectively in Sorocaba (SP) and Indaiatuba (SP).

A pair of Toyota It was responsible for 53% of all license plates for electrified vehicles in Brazil between January and October, totaling 14,446 units per year. Given that the license plates of all hybrids were 15,600 units, the two models made in Brazil account for 92.6% of all sales in this class.

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