July 27, 2024

“Everything we talked about …”; Outside of BBB 23, Larissa “hands off” conversation with Bianca Andrade about Fred

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“Everything we talked about …”;  Outside of BBB 23, Larissa “hands off” conversation with Bianca Andrade about Fred
“Everything we talked about …”;  Outside of BBB 23, Larissa “hands off” conversation with Bianca Andrade about Fred

TV and celebrities

The former sister also commented on the future of the relationship with YouTube, who is the former influencer

Image 1: Reproduction/Globo |  Image 2: Reproduction/Instagram by Bianca Andrade
Image 1: Reproduction/Globo | Image 2: Reproduction/Instagram by Bianca Andrade

Larisa He was the ninth eliminated from BBB 23. with 66.75% From the audience votes, the sister left the most watched house in Brazil last Tuesday (14). Outside of the programme, I was asked about a future with Fred Brunowith whom he had an affair at home.

In an interview with the magazine fromAnd Larisa said she had already spoken to Bianca Andrade, the ex-girlfriend and mother of Fred’s son. “Suddenly he left us as a stepmother, right? We’ve talked and she’s a sweetheart. We haven’t met face to face, but everything we’ve talked about so far has been just positive things; I admire her so much,” He said.

Larissa and Fred at BBB 23 – Image: Reproduction/Globo

to Sh 1the physical education teacher also mentioned that He intends to talk to the YouTuber about the future of the relationship. “We’ll talk when he leaves. We haven’t decided anything at home, we haven’t said anything about it. But we’ll talk and work this out.”

Eliminated Larissa at BBB 23

Larisa It was chosen as one of the favorites at the start of the release. However, as the game progresses, the sister chosen by the audience to leave reality ends up on a wall formed by her, DomitillaAnd Ricardo that it Cesar Black.

Brazilian journalist, 25 years old. Rooted in entertainment, she is passionate about pop culture and loves to watch good series whenever possible. She has been working as a writer in Bolavip since 2021, but has been working in the area for four years.

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