July 27, 2024

Federal government firms employ more than 446,000 with billionaire perks

4 min read
Federal government firms employ more than 446,000 with billionaire perks
Federal government firms employ more than 446,000 with billionaire perks

The 2022 Federal State-Owned Enterprise Benefits Report (Rebef) reveals the corporate picture at the end of the Bolsonaro government, and the numbers are impressive. 44 state-owned companies employ 445,970 people who enjoy benefits and privileges amounting to about R$ 16 billion annually, which include common ones such as food, transportation and health, and those that most ordinary workers have never dreamed of, such as nanny and culture, in addition to health plans that are maintained Even after retirement.

Only R$8.56 billion is spent annually on the health plan for employees, spouses and dependents, which is more than half of the total.

In addition to higher wages, almost all SOEs have a supplementary retirement plan for employees and the expenses amount to R$7.21 billion.

Half of SOEs pay salaries equal to or greater than the cap, with the focus being Petrobras, the only company to exceed R$100,000 (R$103,000).

A minimum wage worker, on the other hand, is dependent on the SUS, will retire through the INSS and will never be entitled to these benefits that his taxes support.

Senators met with the President-elect, Loya Inacio Lula da Silva, at COP 27, to discuss measures to combat deforestation. Image: Disclosure

Labor is already considering the alternative to re-electing Pacheco

While dealing with the ceiling-breaking PEC vote for about a month, PT leaders have already recognized Rodrigo Pacheco’s (PSD-MG) inability to lead the legislature and have begun examining alternatives to run for the Senate presidency, to which he will be elected. in feb. The straw that broke the camel’s back was Pacheco’s promise to approve the CEP by the end of November and the inability to even articulate the proposal’s pitch, yet.

If she causes friction with Pacheco’s PSD, which has 11 senators, Labor could hand the Senate over to Labor, which has the largest seat, with 14.

If you choose among House members, Labor has options from long-serving senators in the House to former governors. Everything is more capable than Pacheco.

Names like Wellington Dias, Humberto Costa, Paulo Paim, and Jaques Wagner please, but PT has the fifth largest seat and needs support.

Unabashed strength

Historical example

Labor radicals, who thought the Lula and FHC governments too similar, asserted Washington Lewis, the president ousted by Getúlio Vargas in the 1930s, under the promise of “dramatic changes”. In exile from the United States, Washington Lewis reacted this way when he was informed that the lawyer Coriolano de Goisse, chief of police of the deposed government, had been reappointed to his post: “This Getulio is lost. Hunting with my dog, you will end up like me: in the woods without dog.”

The presence of Fernando Haddad at the Verapan event, which was defeated by the São Paulo government, but transferred by the Ministry of Finance, shows how the banker knows how to be quick on the trigger, when it comes to flattery.

There is strong support for Louise Pareto’s “trade” in the Ministry of Tourism. The former president of Sebrae with the lauded technical administration, in Transição he presides over the region to which he belongs, and who knows why, deputy Marcelo Frixo.

President Jair Bolsonaro’s silence in the face of the current situation was not well understood by his supporters. Some fanatical fanatics have already begun calling him a traitor to his restraint.

In the group of foreign relations in the transition period, Christofam Buarke was dismissed with insult from the MEC in Lula’s first administration. I was having dinner in Lisbon with Ambassador Pais de Andrade when one of Lula’s members called to announce his resignation. She locked herself in the bathroom and burst into tears.

quote from today

He insists on opening his mouth to attack the residents

General Girau (PL-RN) on the aggression and false news issued by Minister Barroso

The news about the advertising boycott of auto manufacturers on Twitter indicates “disgust” from Elon Musk, the new owner of the social network. Omit that they are competitors to Tesla, the entrepreneur’s electric car maker.

Jorge Messias coordinates the Integrity, Transparency and Control Working Group on Transition. I can begin by explaining, in the name of transparency, why former President Dilma called him “Pesias”.

The number of people criticizing the World Cup and the national team online is impressive, but the reality is that online shopping on Black Friday eve fell 46% before the game and rose again near the final whistle, according to data from 2,800 large retailers served by Linx.

The agribusiness did not disappoint and broke a new record this year with the export of 20 million tons of oil and soybean flour by October. The result represents an increase of 28% compared to the 2021 period.

… Neymar sprained his ankle, but in others he caused much more pain, pain in the elbow.

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