July 27, 2024

Why is chocolate at risk of extinction, according to scientists?

2 min read
Why is chocolate at risk of extinction, according to scientists?
Why is chocolate at risk of extinction, according to scientists?

Among us, who never had a bad day and felt like eating chocolate🇧🇷 Well, if that’s a crime, we’re all in, because especially during their period, women love to invest in chocolate, right?

It’s amazing to know that a simple fruit, when mixed with certain amounts of fat and sugar, can become something so delicious.

However, unfortunately, the following news may not be very satisfying for chocolate lovers. This is because, according to the American portal Business Insiderde, according to recent surveys of scientists, they came to the conclusion that in a few years, thanks to weather changes Sudden changes, cocoa will not be able to produce its fruits.

With no more cocoa available, it would be impossible to produce chocolate.

And you, who love to eat the sweetie after lunch or during your periods, have you ever imagined yourself without it?

What happens with cocoa?

It has already been found that, everywhere in the world, there is someone who loves chocolate, right? Well, in light of that, the Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in United State (NOAA) has shared some information regarding what is happening to cocoa trees.

According to what has been discovered and revealed, the plant has some rather tough requirements for its development.

We say this because in order for such a plant to develop, precise climatic conditions are essential—such as uniform temperature, high humidity, abundant rain, protection from winds, and finally, hydrogen-rich soil.

In other words, this means that this plant is perfect for Tropical flowers🇧🇷 But if we do an analysis, we will see that the largest cocoa producers are in Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana and also in Indonesia.

So far so good, but things start to get complicated when they start estimating that in the coming years, these countries are going to experience about a 2.1C increase in their temperature until we get to 2050. That means farm is taking a risk.

Although you may think the number is too low to show significant changes, don’t be fooled! This is because it is enough to make a plant as demanding as it is unable to produce fruit.

Scholars’ decision on this issue

Knowing this potential possibility of future incarnation, scientists have already begun to think about changing the DNA of cocoa so that it is more resistant and continues to bear fruit, even if the climate is not the best for its fruiting.

With this in mind, a technology called CRISPR has been created, which is being used and tested and may work towards a viable way to develop more resistant seeds.

All this to prevent the extinction of cocoa and, consequently, the extinction of our beloved chocolate.

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