September 17, 2024

Gogo’s daughters return to Brazil for a hearing, and a lawyer reveals the young women’s situation

2 min read
Gogo’s daughters return to Brazil for a hearing, and a lawyer reveals the young women’s situation

Gogo, Sofia and Marina Liberato (Photo: Instagram)

Marina and Sofia Liberato, daughters of Gogo Liberato, arrive in Brazil to take part in the operation that analyzes the stable union of the presenter and Rose Miriam. According to g1, the Sao Paulo judge will hear the twins at the beginning of next week, and perhaps they should speak in favor of the mother. The young women live in the United States, where they attend college, and have not visited the country in two years.

The whole Gogo ownership issue started after his untimely death in November 2019. At the time, it was reported that the TV veteran left 75% of his assets to his children and the remaining 25% to his nephews. Since Rose did not acknowledge the relationship in the document, she attempted to establish a stable union in order to be entitled to part of the inheritance.

In a memorandum issued by g1, the lawyer representing the mother and daughters said the process was taking place in confidentiality for the sake of justice. “Twins Marina and Sofia have always been at their mother’s side in her search for recognition of a stable marriage. All the elements prove that Rose and Gugu have maintained a notorious, enduring, and ongoing public relationship with the goal of creating a family. We reaffirm our belief that every day we are getting closer to doing justice.”Nelson Willans explained.

Not long ago, the sisters posted a statement on social media supporting their mother. This is our response to the latest published articles which aim to attack our real family, our security and especially the memory of our father.” they said on Instagram. “We are and have always been supportive of our mother in her fight for justice, and we hope it happens very soon.”they stated.

Until now, it is not known if the eldest son, João Augusto, will participate in the sessions. He had already come out to the defense of his aunt, Aparecida Liberato, who had been named as an executor. If the decision is in favor of Rose, she will be entitled to half of the inheritance – the remaining 50% will belong to the three sons.

However, the family feud includes a third element: Thiago Salvatico, a businessman who claims to have had a stable relationship with the presenter for nine years. He also seeks to prove a stable bond with Gugu, but the request is not recognized by the judge.

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