July 27, 2024

Have you forgotten the money released by the central bank? Check out the statement

3 min read
Have you forgotten the money released by the central bank?  Check out the statement
Have you forgotten the money released by the central bank?  Check out the statement

Did you know you could have forgotten money in already extinct bank accounts, for example? Thinking of returning the money left in the accounts of thousands of consumers in the country, the central bank is coming back with an SVR-only initiative.

Want to know more about this procedure, how it works, and who has access? So keep following us below so you don’t miss any important information on the topic. After all, this might be your lucky day to leave with a little extra cash on hand!

He recently told the Central Bank that he would release the money forgotten in workers’ accounts. Learn how to query! / credit: @jeanedeoliveirafotografia / pronatec.pro.br

The central bank returns forgotten money

In principle, the next step in refunds would include reversing forgotten balances in inactive accounts or financial investments, as well as fees inappropriately charged by financial institutions, as well as fiduciary obligations not created in contracts.

Regarding the version of the method, BC should release a date from 2023 after indexing all the data received through banks and institutions. Thus, the consumers who will be able to access the forgotten funds are:

  • 476.5 thousand will receive more than one thousand Brazilian reals;
  • 23.58 million will receive up to R$10;
  • 7.94 million will receive more than R$100;
  • 2.86 million will have access to values ​​between R$100 and R$1,000.

Other than that, another expectation for now is that SVR will grant access to forgotten amounts to heirs of account holders who have died or become incapacitated, an action that had been anticipated for some time by BC.

See also: Brazilians will be able to recover forgotten money from deceased family members; See how this is possible

New SVR rules

After completing the first cashback stage, the system will see some significant changes. One of them, for example, is that there will be no need to schedule access to the site. This means that interested parties will be able to access and request withdrawal of values ​​at the first consultation.

In addition, the system will also have new information released by financial institutions. Therefore, those who consulted the money earlier and found nothing can make the query again to see if they have any amount owed.

How to query and order values

Although the system is offline, it is sure to come back to consumers to access it. If there are no changes with this return, simply follow the step-by-step steps below to check available funds and request refunds:

  • First go to the site https://bityli.com/QjQlvuJr login;
  • Then, just refer to the amounts you should receive, the origin of the forgotten funds and the institution through which you should receive the amount;
  • Finally, click on the “Request here” option to receive a pixel or on the “Request via organization” option to connect to the platform and agree on the bank you want to receive.

See also: Brazilians will be able to recover forgotten money from deceased family members; See how this is possible

Places where forgotten money might be

As soon as the query about the money to be received is issued, Brazilians from all over the country will be able to check the forgotten amounts. Check out other places where money might be available without your knowledge:

  • Forgotten money through banks.
  • Amounts indicating PIS / Pasep: Amounts that have not yet been withdrawn and that are past the availability period;
  • Funds remaining in FGTS: funds that refer to inactive fund accounts;
  • Amounts indicating income tax: those who are entitled to a refund of income tax must receive it at that time;
  • Amount indicating INSS: Those who have requested a benefit review can receive revised amounts;
  • Forgotten Lottery Winnings: If you win an amount and don’t receive it, the money is waiting for you.

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