July 27, 2024

Joinville City Hall conducts a search for Christmas attractions

2 min read
Joinville City Hall conducts a search for Christmas attractions
Joinville City Hall conducts a search for Christmas attractions

The Minister of Culture and Tourism and the Institut Natal de Joinville are working on the latest amendments to the Christmas program in Joinville. It will be held on November 20, 2022. The attractions will be presented at various locations in the central area of ​​the city.

As part of planning for the new edition, a questionnaire was prepared on Joinville’s birthday, which was published in Link It can be answered until September 30.

“Our goal with this survey is to hear from people from Joinville and find out the most satisfying attractions in last year’s project. In addition to knowing what Christmas predictions we have this year,” says Guilherme Jassenwirth, Minister of Culture and Tourism of Joinville.

Several novelties are being prepared for the Joinville Christmas program in 2022. Such as performing a show at Centreventos Cau Hansen, designed and directed by André Gress, director of famous Broadway musicals and shows.

Joinville’s Birthday is an investigation of Joinville City Hall. Through the Minister of Culture and Tourism, the Institut Natal de Joinville. Supported by companies and entities in the city.

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