July 27, 2024

Learn how to use ChatGPT on your WhatsApp: Simplified step by step

3 min read
Learn how to use ChatGPT on your WhatsApp: Simplified step by step
Learn how to use ChatGPT on your WhatsApp: Simplified step by step

WhatsApp is a cross-platform application that allows users to send instant messages and make voice and video calls when they are online. From the platform, it is also possible to send photos, videos, and PDF documents.

The company responsible for WhatsApp was created in 2009 by Brian Acton and Jan Koum, who were former Yahoo! veterans. Later, in February 2014, the company was sold to Facebook for $16 billion.

The messaging platform is currently one of the most used apps by Brazilians and it is always improving in order to provide a better experience to the users. In addition, it is possible to use an artificial intelligence that specializes in dialogue while using the application. So, check out how to use ChatGPT on WhatsApp below.

ChatGPT is now also available for WhatsApp. Credit: @jeanedeoliveirafotografia/pronatec.pro.br

How to use ChatGPT on WhatsApp?

ChatGPT consists of a chatbot developed by OpenAI, which specializes in dialogues provided by artificial intelligence. In this way, users can ask questions and the AI ​​responds as if it were another human. The answers are usually normal and can be very complex.

Because of these factors, ChatGPT has gained popularity on the Internet. Artificial intelligence uses OpenAI technology as the main base to run your bot. In the case of WhatsApp, it is possible to use the feature anywhere in the instant messaging app.

It is also worth noting that ChatGPT for WhatsApp, also known as zapGPT, allows users to send up to 10 free messages per month, in addition to offering a subscription package for R$29.90 per month, which allows you to send as many messages as you wish and saves much more. of features.

Below we show you how to use artificial intelligence in your WhatsApp conversations:

  • First, you need to add a zapGPT contact to your contact list, her number is +55 (11) 91000-2248;
  • For that, open WhatsApp and click on the icon to start a conversation;
  • Find the added contact, send a message to the bot and wait for a response;
  • Carefully read the message sent by the bot and agree to the terms of use;
  • Start a chat, submit your questions, and wait for answers.

Also check: Credit and debit card payments can be made via WhatsApp; know more

How does ChatGPT work?

ChatGPT is freely available and has many functions, such as answering questions, solving mathematical equations, writing texts, correcting symbols, translating languages, creating text summaries, giving recommendations, categorizing and explaining the function of something.

To use the technology is very simple, you just need to issue a command to receive a response:

  • First, you need to access the ChatGPT website (chatgpt.com.br);
  • Next, create an account, if this is the first time you are using it, click “Register” and enter a valid email and register a password;
  • When entering, the platform will provide some instructions, read them carefully and then select the order category;
  • Well, now just use it.

Learn more: ChatGPT generates huge controversy with important communication vehicles; understand

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