July 27, 2024

Lola cancels the dinner with the Saudi prince, who gave Michelle jewelry

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Lola cancels the dinner with the Saudi prince, who gave Michelle jewelry
Lola cancels the dinner with the Saudi prince, who gave Michelle jewelry

The President travels to Italy, the Vatican and France; According to the advice, the reason was fatigue due to the “intense” schedule.

President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (PT) He canceled the dinner he was going to have on Friday (June 23, 2023) with the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud. According to the counsellor, he is tired because the schedule of commitments this week was intense.

The late departure from the dinner hosted by the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, on the 5th (June 22) was also heavy. Lula will return to Brazil on Saturday (24 June). Before that, he will be interviewed by reporters in Paris.

The meeting with Salman was criticized for accusing him of being the mastermind of the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018. Data from the European-Saudi Organization for Human Rights indicates that Saudi Arabia had 129 people executed annually, from 2015 to 2022, an increase of 82% compared to the period from 2010 to 2014.

The Saudi prince also gave jewelry worth R$5 million to former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL). The gem will be a gift from Saudi Arabia, led by Salman, to former first lady Michelle Bolsonaro. The items were not declared and ended up in customs.

The gems were brought in 2021 in a backpack of then-minister advisor Bento Albuquerque (Mine and Energy). The previous government attempted to release the pieces at least 4 times. The last attempt was on December 28, two days before the former president left Brazil. The defense says Bolsonaro acted within the law. Federal Police are investigating the case.

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Lula began his final day of travel to Europe by attending a summit organized by the French government to discuss a new global financial agreement. He criticized again at the event an additional letter sent by the EU to Mercosur regarding the agreement between the blocs.

I long for a deal with the European Union. But this is not possible, because the additional letter presented by the European Union does not allow an agreement to be reached. We will post the answer, but we need to start the discussion. We cannot have a strategic partnership and an additional card threatens a strategic partner.Lula said on the 6th (June 23rd).

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