July 27, 2024

Lukashenko warns that “the time has come” to end the conflict in Ukraine

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Lukashenko warns that “the time has come” to end the conflict in Ukraine
Lukashenko warns that “the time has come” to end the conflict in Ukraine

The Belarusian leader says, however, that the US and its allies are “pressuring Ukraine not to hold any negotiations.”

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko

Sputnik – Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko said that the conflict in Ukraine will only end peacefully and that there is currently a “unique” circumstance that must be exploited to end the fighting.

“At the moment, there is a unique situation in which the conflict can end. Another moment like this can happen again. It is necessary to take advantage of this moment, while Russia has not yet fully deployed its economy and put it in a position,” Lukashenko said in an interview with the outlets. Chinese media.

Moreover, he noted that Moscow has always been ready for dialogue with Kiev and that the two parties have held a series of negotiations.

However, the United States and its allies “put pressure on Ukraine not to conduct any negotiations.”

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Lukashenko stressed that “every war ends in peace and this one will not be an exception. The question is how many people will die and in whose name.”

Lukashenko also noted that he had often warned Ukrainian officials that in the event of a new conflict breaking out in another region of the planet, the West would “forget about Ukraine.”

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