July 27, 2024

Nine teens tested positive in DF

2 min read
(crédito: Freepik/Reprodução)
(crédito: Freepik/Reprodução)

Posted on 10/11/2022 17:27 / Updated 10/11/2022 19:22

    (Credit: Freepik/Reproduction)

(Credit: Freepik/Reproduction)

Although most cases monkey pox It infects citizens between the ages of 20 and 39, and teens and young adults have not escaped infection. According to the Federal District Health Department (SES-DF), nine diagnoses have been confirmed in people between the ages of 11 and 19.

On the other hand, the number of infected people between the ages of 20 and 39 is 123. In addition, the latest update from the responsible file confirmed that two more positive cases were reported on Thursday (11/10), with a total of 333 patients since the start of monitoring, on July 8. Of this total, there are 319 males and 14 females.

But this number can go up because in Federal District246 cases are still under investigation, while 730 cases were excluded after laboratory analyzes. With regard to the monitoring carried out in the administrative areas of the city of Dubai, Mail The five most affected cities were included: Plano Belotto (65), Aguas Claras (35), Sammbaya (25), Selandia (22) and Guara (21).


Everyone who submits Skin lesions such as watery spots or pimpleswith or without pus, medical attention can be sought in the federal district, in public units.

Monkeypox is a disease transmitted by contaminated surfaces, by direct contact with a patient’s wounds, with body fluids or respiratory droplets, as well as by close proximity of infected individuals without wearing a mask, even if they do not have skin wounds.

Main symptoms

  • Headache;
  • Back ache;
  • severe weakness
  • fever above 38.5 ° C;
  • Muscle and body aches.
  • swollen lymph nodes (lumps on the skin);
  • Skin lesions, which can also affect the genitals and rectum.

Cover by Correio Braziliense

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