September 17, 2024

Pay TV “earns” 2.5 million subscribers and is growing by 17%; Understanding “Magic” – 09/18/2021

2 min read
Pay TV "earns" 2.5 million subscribers and is growing by 17%;  Understanding "Magic" - 09/18/2021

Anatel just released the latest pay-TV numbers for Brazil. The data refers to July and, surprisingly, ladies and gentlemen, but it was announced that pay TV channels “acquired” 2.5 million subscribers in just one month.

In other words, in the period from June to July, the subscriber base “growth” by about 17%.

From the 13.8 million shaky subscriptions recorded in June, as if by magic, the operators now have 16.3 million “new subscribers” the following month.

Before you drop all the jaws at once, we will explain “The Magic”, a work by Anatel (National Telecommunications Agency).

“Official” boxes

A decision made by the agency a year and a half ago allowed operators, as of July 2021, to add who buys their set-top boxes (type Sky Prepaid, Oi Livre, Claro Livre – or Claro Box, as it’s called – etc.)

Well, there are two obvious mistakes: Not everyone who buys the boxes pays a monthly fee, for many, it’s like buying a digital antenna. So they are not (all of them, at least) actual subscribers. Point.

Of course, it is possible to subscribe to services and packages through the funds, but there is no obligation. A person can buy the box and use it only as a signal receiver, for example.

Can you pay for the parcel

Second, the owners of these funds do not necessarily own any paid channels. Unless they pay of course.

And in Anatel’s new numbers there is no distinction as to whether these 2.5 million “new” subscribers are in fact active. That is, if everyone pays the return shipping after buying the boxes (boxes).

This “decision” was already taken in the wake of the massive loss of subscribers by the operators. The decision was that it would come into effect in July 2021. Well, it is.

Finally, in a dubious way, from month to month he “restored” pay-TV in Brazil ” It has over 2.5 million subscribers in the past 3 years.

After all, how many of those 2.5 million “new subscribers” are paying extra and already paying TV users? Anatel needs to provide us with this information in detail.

why are you doing that?

Neither the operator nor Anatel, required by vertical, expressed themselves until this text was published, but it also appears that the operators are “playing for the public” (read advertisers).

Maybe they want to show that it’s still huge and relevant, but the truth is that pay TV in Brazil is still bleeding and has fewer than 14 million subscribers – 6 million fewer than it was at the end of 2014.

only services flow has it before More audience than all operators combined.

This is a fact that no decision can erase or hide.

Ricardo filters No TwitterAnd Facebook social networking siteAnd Instagram NS wrong location

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