July 27, 2024

Pix can win by installment shopping method

3 min read
Pix can win by installment shopping method
Pix can win by installment shopping method

Have you ever thought of making a purchase and paying the amount in installments, but you didn’t have to Credit card? This problem may be coming to an end. in interview it Just releasedFinance Minister Fernando Haddad (PT) said discussions had begun Release of purchase premiums through the PIX system.

a Release of installment purchases via pix can become Great victory For Brazilians, especially for those who do not have a credit card.

The head of the economic file said that he had already spoken with the president central bank (BC), Roberto Campos Neto on the subject. The minister had heard the idea was a good one, and BC itself was already discussing how best to launch the possibility. today is pix It works as an instant payment system.

“Yesterday (Monday, 3) I was talking with Roberto Campos Neto about paying off the debt in installments through pix. It would be a great innovation in our banking system to pay in installments with this tool. This leads to an improvement in competitiveness and credit conditions in the country, the minister said during an event held in an investment bank.

Although there are already talks about it inside central bankThere is still no release date for the new tool. At the moment, the system pix It will continue to act as a kind of pay-as-you-go for people who need to make or receive transfers.

Other changes

Since its official launch in 2020, it has become pix introduces a series of innovations. In addition to the issue of debt repayments, BC is also considering changes in the system, such as implementing a version to use pix in international operations.

Also on the discussion board is a way to release a push pix By rounding, which can speed up the process of purchasing products in commercial establishments.

Today, some of the innovations are already in the works pix. a Lot pixFor example, citizens are allowed to withdraw cash in some stores.

actually PIX change Withdrawals are also allowed, as long as they are related to the purchase or provision of a service.

Pix can win by installment shopping method. Photo: REUTERS/Adriano Machado

In addition to pixels

According to Minister Fernando Haddad, the idea of ​​proving the possibility of installments is not the only change on the discussion table. The head of the economic portfolio says 11 other measures are being discussed to try to improve the country’s credit supply.

In recent interviews, Minister Fernando Haddad has said he is concerned about the issue and says he will work to give Brazilians more credibility.


At the same event, Haddad spoke again about the programme Opens. It’s legitimate Federal government which intends to assist families in the event of default to clear their names.

Haddad said that the temporary procedure (MP) that determines the version of the program is already ready, and went back to saying that he is just waiting for the development of a digital system that will be used to actually implement the program.

He came back to say that the federal government will have a guarantee fund of R$15 billion. The idea is to use this money to cover potential defaults from people who commit to renegotiate.

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