NS Sao Jose Municipal Hospital join phil, in northern Santa Catarina, announced the closure of the intensive care unit (ICU)...
Video image published by King 5 News Television Network, from Seattle (USA). Photo: clone/King 5 NewsAnatomy demonstration tickets sold to...
Microbiologist and popular science Attila Imarino This Tuesday (9) mentioned that Your personal data has been unlawfully changed on the...
Oncoclínicas announces the creation of a Cancer Center in partnership with Unimed-RJ – Health Sector
NS Clinical Oncology Group Advertise in Related fact Tuesday night (9) which occurred a “Binding Memorandum of Understanding - MOU”...
Thousands of years ago, a violent impact on Mars threw parts of its surface into space and part of it...
Successful registration!Please follow the link in the message sent to re-sendhttps://br.sputniknews.com/20211108/nasa-compartilha-foto-de-lado-oculto-de-plutao-iluminado-pelo-seu-maior-satelite-18205626.htmlNASA shares photo of the 'hidden side' of Pluto illuminated...
About 40% to 60% of the assistance provided by Melhor em Casa program teams, who provide home care in the...
In a list of 100,000 of the world's most cited scientists, five of them are from Federal University of Oberlandia...
With the goal of helping young producers manage the property, agronomist Lucas Derings, of Palutina, West Parana, created a podcast....
Next to natural remedies, certain daily habits can also be a great ally in terms of combating anxiety, a mental...