December 3, 2024

Seven Brazilian cities may disappear with global warming

2 min read
Impacto do aquecimento global em São Luís
Global warming effect in São Luis
Impact of global warming in São Luis (MA). Photo: Reproduction / Climate Central

An increase in average temperatures, due to global warming, could lead to the disappearance of seven cities in Brazil. They are: Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Recife (PE), Fortaleza (CE), Porto Alegre (RS), Salvador (BA), Santos (SP) and São Luis (MA). Places like Maracanã, Ponta da Praia and Usina do Gasômetro can be affected by the advance of the sea.

The country ranks 17th on the list among the places most vulnerable to climate change. Data are from Climate Central based on climate forecasts.

Besides Brazil, there are other places threatened by climate change in the world. Places such as the Sydney Opera House (Australia) and the Statue of Liberty in New York (USA) can be inundated with rising sea levels.

It is estimated that a global temperature increase of just 3°C ​​could cause the ocean to cover 50 cities worldwide. The disaster will affect the lives of 10% of the entire world’s population.

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Learn what some Brazilian cities look like through the greenhouse effect:

Porto Alegre (Republika Srpska). Photo: Reproduction / Climate Central
Fortaleza (m). Photo: Reproduction / Climate Central

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