July 27, 2024

Simulations suggest that there could be a planet the size of Earth or Mars outside the orbit of Neptune

2 min read
Simulations suggest that there could be a planet the size of Earth or Mars outside the orbit of Neptune
Simulations suggest that there could be a planet the size of Earth or Mars outside the orbit of Neptune

In a recent study, a team of scientists suggested that a planet the size of Earth or Mars might exist outside of Neptune’s orbit.

in your work, published In the Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, researchers further suggest that simulations of the creation of the Solar System show that such a planet might have been pushed into the outer regions of the system by gas giants, he is writing Phys.org portal.

As scientists continue to study the solar system, they are trying to understand not only how the planets formed, but why they lie in their current orbits. In this new work, the authors note that simulation of Solar System Evolution Still unable to explain the current configuration due to lack of information.

The researchers note that there is something strange about the current planetary composition, as there are four inner rocky planets, an asteroid belt, and then four. gas giants in the outer solar system. Then follow the dwarf planets and other celestial bodies such as comets. Astronomers think something is missing.

Artistic view of a celestial body located in the solar system

They claim that it is unlikely that the natural evolution of our system would have had four gas giants and then nothing but dwarves. Following this logic, there must be some planets of other sizes, and their simulations support this theory, adding that the existence of other planets Earth-sized planet Or Mars, perhaps between two gaseous planets, would form a more accurate model, at least during the early stages of evolution.

Subsequently, such a planet could be pushed far into space, either to join the dwarfs or be pushed into interstellar space, where it travels on its own. Scientists have concluded that if such a planet is located on the outer edges of the solar system, new telescopes may be able to determine its location, thus confirming the theory.

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