December 22, 2024

Strawberry regrets falling out with Andre at A Fazenda 14

3 min read
Moranguinho no Hora do Faro

Record TV audiences tune in for another panel edition of A Fazenda – Last Chance on Sunday December 11th, this time with Small strawberry🇧🇷 Hora do Faro still welcomes Mirella and Erasmo Viana as their love advisors at Vai Dar Dating; And the Pixote group calms couples at the time of “bailinho”. Colombian superstar Shakira wins honor at Danca, Gatineau.

Eileen Cardoso, the dancer and influencer best known as Small strawberry, was the lowest voted by the public at the ranch on Thursday, 12/08. The brunette goes to the Hora do Faro theater to open up about her experiences in rural reality, as well as take on sharp questions from journalists Felipeh Campos, Chico Barney, Keila Jimenez, and A Fazenda 13 winner Rico Melquiades.

Read +: Fazenda 14: Deborah Albuquerque exposes Dulan’s plan to damage the finale

Chatting with interviewers, Muranguinho answered what he felt and what went through his head after he left Diolane Bezerra And the Petal Barrios🇧🇷

“I thought the following. Have we been abolished? Has Group A been abolished? If it’s been abolished, then it’s their right to do what they think is best to protect themselves, or try to fix what’s been going on,” he reveals.

“I’m known in TV. I’m a TV producer. They came with the internet. Different. They think differently. Although I was very moved by the garden, I stopped and thought. Two days later, I spoke to Pia: ‘It’s a good thing we didn’t go'” He stated that he considered following in the footsteps of Petala and Deolan.

Elaine also commented on the influence of the false right, as she thought Barbara Borges had been eliminated. “Our dream is over,” he thought as Papi triumphantly returned to headquarters.

Read +: A Fazenda 14: Deolane hits back after Strawberry Shortcake calls him “toxic”

Strawberry Shortcake also witnesses, for the first time, scenes of former colleagues talking about her behind her back at HQ. Responding to what he saw, he said, “I didn’t join the ranch thinking I’d make great friends. Quite the opposite.”

On the other hand, he admits that he apologizes to Andre Marino. And then, he admitted that he regretted some of the situations with the singer and that he would retract a decision:

“It would save Andre in ‘One Left.’ He was my ally,” she adds, very moved.

Another moment that made him very emotional was talking about his relationship with Pia Miranda. In a way, Eileen says, she adopted the girl: “She became my heart’s daughter.” And more than that: he would go so far as to put himself in her garden.

Strawberry still goes through “Máquina da Verdade,” where an expert analyzes his voice to gauge the sincerity of his answers to new questions from journalists Rico and Rodrigo Faro himself. All awards are deserved.

In this part, among other revelations, the dancer answers whether or not she laughed at the humiliation Ruivinha de Marte suffered at the hands of Lucas Santos.

The person who was eliminated still assumed they didn’t feel the influence of other Group A members in the game “I think I’m being manipulated if I buy what other people think. I wasn’t being manipulated so much that I made food for other people, I made cake. It was me.” “.

In “Fala na Cara”, the traditional “card game”, Morango dispenses adjectives to his former confinement mates, explaining his choices to the interviewers and, later, to the real-life participants themselves during Faro’s “invasion” of the headquarters, which takes place through video transmission.

For Iran Malfitano, for example, he separated the tags “handy” and “soap maker,” while Babi remained “modest,” “lazy,” and “dramatic.” On the other hand, Pia has acquired many positive adjectives, such as “strong”, “affectionate”, and “warrior”.

Afterwards, Elaine was surprised by her husband, singer Naldo, and the couple’s daughter, Maria Victoria, who met on the stage.

Hora do Faro is hosted by Rodrigo Faro and airs on Sundays from 3:45pm. Art direction is Cesare Pareto. Directed by Rita Fonseca and Diego Oliveira.

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