July 26, 2024

The biggest name on the scene, brTT announces a break from competition after 6 titles

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The biggest name on the scene, brTT announces a break from competition after 6 titles
The biggest name on the scene, brTT announces a break from competition after 6 titles

during the CBLOL Award 2021 This Tuesday (23), the biggest name in the competitive landscape of League of Legends From Brazil and the greatest champion, brTT He announced that he would be taking a break from competitions after winning six national titles, at least one for each team he defends, as well as several international campaigns. Despite this, he announced that he would continue to Pain for the next year.

The player gave a speech and revealed that in the past two years he had been suffering from severe mental fatigue, without even the motivation to continue competing. Despite winning his first breakup this year, he hasn’t recovered from the wear and tear caused by several factors, including his relationship breakup and the coordination of online matches from CBLOL.

brTT explained that boxing and music helped him out of this “hole”, but he realized throughout the year that he needed to take some time to rest. Thus, the player confirmed the rumors and will give a break from his competitive career to the player, and will not compete in the first part of 2022. Watch brTT’s speech:

Continue after the announcement

brTT career in Brazilian competition

The idol shooter from paiN Gaming worked professionally at LoL for nine years, when he started at paiN in 2012. He won his first Brazilian team title the following year and competed in the IWC to try to qualify for the worlds, but brTT and the company were defeated in the final by the Gaming Company. .Gear from Lithuania.

In 2014, brTT was transferred to Keyd Stars, where with Koreans Winged and Suno he won another Brazilian title, Champions Series, beating his former team, paiN Gaming, at the decision. Despite this, in 2015, brTT came back to defend the paiN colors.

Once again, defending the Traditionals, Felipe Gonçalves formed one of the formations most remembered by fans of the organization to this day, made up of Mylon, SirT, Kami and Dioud.

brTT celebrates its third title (Photo: Riot Games)

Together they won the second split that year, were the undefeated champions of the Desafio Internacional and did, to date, the best campaign for a Brazilian team in the World of LoL: two group stage victories.

2016: paiN booking and brTT future uncertain

After a memorable year, paiN had trouble finding support for the Diode position, and ended up hiring a Picoca streamer. After a poor campaign on CBLOL, and brTT’s desire to stop living in paiN’s Gaming House, the player is put in reserve, for Tay’s arrival.

Having spent the entire second split in the team reserve, brTT left the organization at the end of the year, when he transferred to RED Canids. At Matila, in his first split, along with Robow, Nabon, Tuckers, Yoda, Sassi and Dude, he won his fourth national title and represented Brazil at MSI.

Red Cainds won the first half title of CBLOL 2017 (Photo: Riot Games Brasil)

Arrival of Robro Negro

After a triumphant pass at RED, the now four-time CBLOL Champion shooter was defending the football heartthrob (but was taking his first steps in Esports), Flamengo.

Taking a step back and going to fight on the Challenge Arena for the first time, brTT came up with the championship decision, but even with a cast, he didn’t get the title and had to decide to make it to the promotion series, against Team One. Only after a series of five matches was brTT able to celebrate its return to the elite.

brtt cblol 2019
brTT bows to Flamengo fans after winning the title (Photo: Riot Games/Reproduction)

For Flamengo, the “father” played several finals in tournaments. In addition to the first on Circuitão, brTT and the company also competed in three of the CBLOL and won the title, in the second division of 2019, in Rio de Janeiro. The achievement also resulted in another scratch on the shooter’s face, a tattoo where he counts the National Awards erected.

Back to paiN ticket and 3rd brTT

BrTT returned to paiN Gaming in 2020 for his third assignment on the “Dream Team”, with the Tinowns, esA and Yang, as well as the South Koreans coming directly from LCK, Seonghwan and Key. However, the foreigners were not up to expectations and paiN suffered another split outside the playoffs.

For the second stage, which was quite distant due to the epidemic, paiN left the Koreans to a pair of Brazilians: Cariok and esA, as well as Robo, who replaced Yang. The exchanges were effective and Traditions took first place on the regular stage, defeating PRG in the semi-finals and returning to the CBLOL Final four years later.

However, all this was not enough, and the brTT team finished the year with another vice championship, now with paiN.

Starting in 2021, paiN made only one change: esA remained for Luci’s arrival, brTT’s personal choice. Once again, the change worked and the team, despite a turbulent start, managed to reach the CBLOL playoffs. In the knockout, the first “reverse sweep” in the history of the competition was against LOUD, then they passed Flamengo in another five-match series, and reached another final, to face Vorax.

In the decision, excluding Game 1, the overall dominance of paiN, who won her third title in history, and 6th for brTT, carving her name into history as the player with more titles than any other organization and any organization in the world. Country.

At this year’s MSI, paiN had a lot of hype from the crowd and even had good matches against the European champion, the MAD Lions, but the two victories over the Turks, while positive, were not enough for BRTT and the company to qualify to the next step.

“The Last Dance”

payN time MSI 2021
paiN went to Brazil at MSI 2021 (Photo: Riot Games)

The second split began and PaiN came as expected: he dominated the Brazilian scene. Despite a good moment and a straightforward CBLOL semi-final classification, the BRTT team and company gave goodbye marks. In some statements to the press and Riot programs, the shooter stated that “nothing lasts forever” and that the cast have focused on enjoying the last moments, as they probably won’t be together next season.

The farewell atmosphere ended up becoming permanent, as in the semi-finals, paiN was defeated by Rensga, and soon in the transfer window, Luci and Robo already bid farewell to the team, while the Tinowns have everything to defend LOUD.

see also: CBLOL 2022: The tournament will be back in person and there’s a chance that the fans will already be there for the first split

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