July 27, 2024

The government is trying to solve the problem of the lack of certification for those who took the first dose of AstraZeneca and the second dose of Pfizer – 10/04/2021 – Balance & Health

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The government is trying to solve the problem of the lack of certification for those who took the first dose of AstraZeneca and the second dose of Pfizer - 10/04/2021 - Balance & Health
The government is trying to solve the problem of the lack of certification for those who took the first dose of AstraZeneca and the second dose of Pfizer - 10/04/2021 - Balance & Health

The Ministry of Health has reported that it is looking for a solution so that people who have gone through an exchange of vaccines can issue vaccination certificate In the Connect SUS app.

People who took the first dose of one vaccine and the second dose of the other complain of this They fail to issue national vaccination certificate for Covid-19. This happened to those who started immunization with AstraZeneca and then received the dose from Pfizer.

Certification can be accessed by anyone who has completed immunization with both doses or a single dose of Janssen vaccine. A document issued in three languages ​​is acceptable in some countries as proof of vaccination.

“The Ministry of Health knows that it is looking for a solution so that the vaccination certificate can be issued in the Connect SUS application in cases where there is an exchange of vaccines,” the file said in a note.

The technical note of the paste recommends only alternating between the first and second doses in exceptional cases. Examples given include individuals who received the first dose of the vaccine in another country and who will be in Brazil at the time of receiving the second dose.

There is also an exception for women who received the first dose of AstraZeneca and who are pregnant or breastfeeding at the time of receiving the second dose of the vaccine. Preferably they should get the Pfizer vaccine.

“In general, the possibility of interchangeability of Covid-19 vaccines is not recommended, but in exceptional cases, where the second dose of the vaccine cannot be administered with a vaccine from the same manufacturer, either due to specific contraindications or because the absence of this immunizing agent in the country can cause The Covid-19 vaccine is given from another manufacturer.

In September, the Minister of Health, Marcelo Quiroga, said there should be standards Interchangeability of the second dose of Covid-19 vaccine.

“In the event that AstraZeneca eventually fails for operational reasons by any chance, interchangeability is used. But the standard cannot miss a day that has already changed otherwise we cannot move forward. [no plano de vacinação]. “

The declaration was made after some countries opted for the possibility of interchange. The city of São Paulo has begun vaccinating people with Pfizer’s immunization agent who could not receive the second dose of AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine.

The problem in this period is that people Not They were able to complete the immunization scheme, because there was a shortage of the vaccine produced in Brazil by Fiocruz.

So far, the few studies available on the use of a non-Covid Covid vaccine The applicator in the first dose indicated that the formula is safe. But these studies only pertain to mixing manufacturers in the first and second dose, not the third.

One such study appeared in the prestigious journal The Lancet. else, Test in rodents with heterogeneous systems, in Nature Communications.

Another study was published in The Lancet The test was conducted with more than 600 adults tested, in people who took the first dose of AstraZeneca, and applied the Pfizer vaccine as a second dose. According to the researchers, there was a strong immune response, confirming that heterogeneous application can elicit a powerful combination of cellular and antibody responses.

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