July 27, 2024

The government opens an operation center to monitor monkeypox

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The government opens an operation center to monitor monkeypox
The government opens an operation center to monitor monkeypox

In the face of the increase in monkeypox cases in the country, the Emergency Operations Center (COE) set up by the Ministry of Health begins operating on Friday (29). The main objective of the initiative is to monitor the epidemiological situation and develop a vaccination plan against the disease in the country.

Members of the National Board of Health Trustees (CONAS), the National Council of Municipal Health Secretaries (CONASEMS), the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) and representatives of other secretariats of the Ministry of Health, as well as Health Surveillance Secretariat (SVS).

“Even when there were no cases in Brazil, the Ministry of Health created an active monitoring flow for the country. What could be a suspected case, a confirmed case and a neglected case were identified. The flow of diagnosis and testing was also identified immediately,” the volume highlighted.


According to the Minister of Health Surveillance, Arnaldo Medeiros, the vaccine to be obtained is likely to be a non-reproductive virus. Projections indicate that 50,000 doses are intended for Brazil, according to a request submitted to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).

The first immunization devices should be for health professionals, and the landing of vaccines is expected in 2022. “The immunization schedule should be two doses 30 days apart. We are already in talks with manufacturers to acquire the immunization devices the Center of Excellence will Monitoring the entire epidemic process in relation to monkeypoxMost notably, Arnaldo Medeiros.

The last balance issued by the Ministry of Health yesterday indicates that Brazil is recording so far, 978 confirmed cases Of the disease.

monkey pox

Caused by a virus, signs and symptoms of the disease can last between two to four weeks.

The Transmission occurs mainly By personal and direct contact with respiratory secretions or skin lesions from contaminated persons or infected objects.

Transmission through droplets requires close contact between an infected patient and other people, so health care workers, family members, and partners are more susceptible to contamination.

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