July 27, 2024

The leader of Fluminense-PI protested after Botafogo classified Sergipe and complained of “underestimating the peoples of the north-east”: “This thing has been seized over there”

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The leader of Fluminense-PI protested after Botafogo classified Sergipe and complained of “underestimating the peoples of the north-east”: “This thing has been seized over there”
The leader of Fluminense-PI protested after Botafogo classified Sergipe and complained of “underestimating the peoples of the north-east”: “This thing has been seized over there”

until the Fluminense – B Participate in the post-match ranking discussions of Botafogo Over the Sergipe In the first stage of Brazil Cup. And Alvinegro’s team got the tie and the spot with a goal by Adrilsson in overtime, last Thursday.

Fluminense-PI’s executive director, Vicente Medeiros, protested the result.

– That was taken. Just because Botafogo is a big team, should they win by force? These are things we’ll go through, there’s no way. The growth of football in the Northeast is complex. I haven’t seen anyone in the national press talking about the Brazilian Football Confederation, who hasn’t paid anyone yet. We haven’t received a 10 cent yet. Then the player goes to court to demand the agreement, but nothing is paid to anyone – Vicente Medeiros complained, to the “GE” website.

The leader indicated bias in control against North Eastern clubs.

– We played here with an umpire from Paraná, and men arrive here full of morals, and diminish from the North-East, and think that here we are people from the fourth world, down from the third world, no one is good. They got here and wanted to paint the field at game time, with the whole field colored, because the guy forgot the lens. They really came to the Northeast, to me, that way, with the idea that the bigger team has to win. That’s famous.”

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