July 27, 2024

The new minimum wage may have its first significant effect after 4 years; Check the value!

4 min read

Next year’s minimum wage still has no official value and will likely only be issued in January 2023. However, the minimum above the four-year inflation rate has not been adjusted and there is no expectation for this to change. However, both presidential candidates, near the second round of elections, are promising readjustment of value for real gains.

Want to know more about the candidate offer and what are the minimum salary expectations for the upcoming year? So keep following us below so you don’t miss out on any important information!

According to the proposal of presidential candidate Luis Inacio Lula da Silva (PT), the minimum wage would have a real gain if elected
According to the proposal of presidential candidate Luis Inacio Lula da Silva (PT), the minimum wage will have real gains if elected / Credit:jeanedeoliveirafotografia / pronatec.pro.br

The current estimate of the minimum wage in 2023

According to data from the Inter-Union Department of Statistics and Social and Economic Studies (Dieese), the national floor is a reference for more than 56 million Brazilian workers. In addition, according to the department’s predictions about the ideal value of the minimum wage for a family of four, the correct thing is if the minimum is R$6,500, a value that differs significantly from the reality of the current amount of R$. 1,212.

Moreover, according to the Budgetary Guidance Act (LDO) of 2023, enacted by incumbent President Jair Bolsonaro, the minimum wage (for the time being) has been set at R$1,302. In fact, this is not the final value, as the new forecast will remain inflation-based for the coming months of the year.

Values ​​are updated over time, and for this reason, the LDO’s minimum wage is merely an estimate of government budget alignment from the start. The value should be officially announced between December of this year and January of next year.

As a general rule, if inflation exceeds the national consumer price index (INPC), the federal government needs to reassess the proposed minimum wage. This is because, according to the Federal Constitution, the value of the minimum wage cannot be less than inflation.

see also: Will Brazilians with more than one minimum wage be adjusted as well?

real earning suggestion

According to the letters of both candidates for the presidency of the republic this year, there are some suggestions about a possible amendment in the minimum salaries. In this case, ex-President Lula (PT) asserted that if elected, there would be a real increase in the minimum wage every year, unlike in recent times.

In other words, the candidate’s proposal reflects the current logic and seeks to restore people’s purchasing power, so that the economy tightens, and more jobs and incomes are generated for the population.

In addition, the current president, Jair Bolsonaro (PL), has stated that he will also propose an inflation rate above the minimum salary if he wins the election.

According to information received from the candidate himself, he intends to negotiate the amendment with parliamentarians in the future. However, next year’s budget bill that he sent to Parliament does not foresee real gains. According to him, the increase has not yet been proposed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Practical tips for raising the minimum wage

Record your achievements

In advance, often, when a particular employee offers a good job, the contractor himself can notice this. However, recording and keeping career progression can be very beneficial. This is because knowing your difference is also a difference, and it will facilitate the process of talking to your boss in order to earn a premium.

Discover your job market

Well, it is common for an employee to spend so much time fulfilling their role in a particular company that they are left a bit outside the general job market when considering their profession. That is, before asking for a raise, it is important for the professional to be aware of the advance payment for the job he performs, in order to have a basis for what he says to the employer.

Never stop evolving

First, a good professional is never stagnant. That is, a degree or higher education, for example, does not mean that you have reached the highest point in your career. To achieve better results, it is always important to continue studies and delve into improvements for certain qualifications.

Do you have a career plan?

Although this sounds common, not every professional has a career plan. That is, this plan consists of setting goals. In accordance with these objectives, the worker’s current occupation is only the starting point for him to reach the next stages of his career.

Acceptance of other forms of remuneration

Having an open mind to other opportunities is also essential for a good professional. This is because the employer may not be able to maintain a good salary increase. However, it may provide other growth options, such as training courses and workshops, among many others.

see also: Auxílio Brasil’s thirteenth salary with double payment? Who can get 1.2 thousand Brazilian Real?

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