July 27, 2024

The stars disappear from the sky. I know why

2 min read
The stars disappear from the sky.  I know why
The stars disappear from the sky.  I know why

For those of us who love looking up at the night sky and seeing how beautiful the universe is with all the little bright spots we call stars, what’s been happening over the years is hopeless. phenomenon sky glow increasingly decreasing Number of stars observed in the sky with the naked eye. Understand how this effect occurs.

Faded stars! do you know why

Find out why we see fewer stars in our sky every day, as well as why this could become a huge problem in the future.

sky glow

This phenomenon is nothing more than light pollution, which is mainly emitted from large cities. However, over the years, this pollution is increasing more and more and this causes the “loss” of stars. According to new research, this phenomenon is called sky glowNearly a third of all humans have been denied sight of our galaxy.

The authors estimate that 80% of people in the United States and 30% worldwide cannot observe the Milky Way’s ethereal arc on a clear night.

According to Christopher Kyba, lead author of this new study, part of the problem about what we can see with the naked eye has to do with the types of lighting used.

More light in the sky, fewer stars

“LED lights have a strong influence on our perception of how bright the sky is,” said Kyba. This may be one reason for the discrepancy between satellite measurements and sky conditions reported by survey participants. globe at night. “

The most developed countries are the most affected, precisely because they have more large cities that emit a large amount of artificial light into the sky, and this problem is not only in our vision when we look at the sky. It primarily affects satellite observations and even nocturnal animals.

affected by light

In addition to the effects on astronomy, there are other consequences, particularly for other animals. According to the manager globe at nightAccording to Constance Walker, Skyglow has begun to affect animals during the day and night, and this may lead to future problems in how these animals hunt and survive.

It also draws attention to the fact that there is little interest in dark-sky conservation and that more studies are needed to report on the consequences of this phenomenon.

“The increase in sky brightness over the past decade underscores the importance of redoubling our efforts and developing new strategies to protect the dark sky,” Walker says.

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