July 27, 2024

The worker needs to declare FGTS withdrawal in income tax; See how we do

3 min read
Noticias Concursos
Noticias Concursos

As per the given deadline, the deadline to file an IRPF 2022, base year 2021, expires next Tuesday, May 31. At the outset, one of the main doubts that persist about the shareholders refers to the withdrawal of the severance compensation fund (FGTS).

According to the advertising rules of Income taxare obligated to declare all those with income over R$ 28,559.70 in 2021. Meanwhile, people with tax-exempt income need to declare the annuity withdrawn from FGTS.

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In this sense, experts also warn of the need to account for the withdrawal of any form of the guarantee fund. Whether the contract is terminated, or used to purchase a property. In addition to withdrawal at the time of retirement or due to illness. Finally, a Christmas draw, anticipating a Christmas withdrawal via a bank loan, or even an emergency withdrawal (like in 2020, R$1,045, announced in 2021).

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On the other hand, only in 2023 the citizen announces an exceptional draw for this year, amounting to a thousand Brazilian reals.

How do you say?

In principle, the amounts received through the withdrawal FGTS It must be reported on the Exempt and Non-Taxable Income form. See step by step:

  1. Access the Exempt and Non-Taxable Income form;
  2. Then press “New”.
  3. select the code “04”, which stands for “compensation for the termination of the employment contract, including POS, work accident; and FGTS”;
  4. Next, inform the CNPJ and the name of the source of the payment (in this case, Caixa Econômica Federal, CNPJ is 00.360.305/0001-04);
  5. After that, report the withdrawal amount to FGTS;
  6. To finish, click OK.

Who needs an IR declaration in 2022?

  • Persons with taxable income above R$28,559.70 in 2021. The amount is the same as last year’s income tax return. Emergency assistance is also taxable income;
  • Taxpayers who were exempt, non-taxable or exclusively taxable from the source of income, the total of which exceeded R$40 thousand last year;
  • who, in any month of 2021, obtains capital gains resulting from disposal of assets or rights, which are subject to tax, or carries out operations on stocks, commodities, futures and similar exchanges;
  • In 2021, it had total revenue of over R$142,798.50 in rural activities;
  • who has, as of December 31, 2021, possession or ownership of goods or rights, including vacant land, with a total value of more than R$300,000;
  • any person who became a resident of Brazil in any month and remained in that state until December 31, 2021;
  • Which is exempt from capital gains tax on the sale of residential property, followed by the acquisition of another residential property within 180 days.

Deadlines and refunds

First of all, federal revenue is expected to receive more than 34 million income taxes this year. Finally, the deadline for submitting the document without penalty expires on May 31.

According to the information, five refund payments will be made available this year in the following days:

  • May 31
  • June 30;
  • July 29
  • August 31 and
  • September 30.

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