July 27, 2024

Tunnel accident under the English Channel causes panic among passengers

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Tunnel accident under the English Channel causes panic among passengers
Tunnel accident under the English Channel causes panic among passengers

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Passengers of the Eurostar company responsible for crossing the tunnel linking France and England under the English Channel, had to change vehicles in the middle of their journey on Tuesday night (23), making the journey on foot in the emergency tunnels. Some passengers reported feeling ill and a woman had a panic attack Franceinfo.

It was a trip “passengers won’t soon forget.” Tourists and travelers in the Channel Tunnel between France and England It had to be evacuated via a service tunnel on Tuesday night (23). Jon Cave, director of public affairs for Jetlink Group, which operates the canal tunnel, said the accident was caused by a “security alert on board a railcar,” which caused hours of power outages.

“The service tunnel was terrifying. It was like a horror movie,” Sarah Fellowes, 37, of Birmingham, told the Associated Press news agency. “There was a woman crying in the tunnel, and another had a panic attack.” Pictures and videos posted on social media show passengers walking in a tunnel, some with their belongings or even their dogs.

Back to normal

“The accident led to a tight stop and search. As a precaution, and for your safety and comfort, we have transferred the passengers on the bus to a bus through the service tunnel,” John continued.

The operators ensured that the safety of passengers was never threatened, even if the operation caused significant delays. And service returned to normal on Wednesday (24) in the morning, according to what was reported Franceinfo.

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