December 26, 2024

USA: Covit-19 vaccine is less likely to die from other diseases

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USA: Covit-19 vaccine is less likely to die from other diseases

People taken Covit-19 vaccines Not only are they less likely to die from the virus, but they are also less likely to die of any cause in the coming months, the researchers said.

The research team tried to prove against three vaccines Govit-19 Approved for use in the United States Pfizer, Gives Modern And yes Johnson – They say they are safe and their findings clearly show this.

“People who have been vaccinated with Pfizer / Bioendech, Moderna, or Johnson vaccines have a lower risk of death for reasons other than Govit-19 than the non-vaccinated comparison groups,” the researchers wrote. Weekly report from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

“Covit-19 vaccines have been approved United States Were consistently safe. This study also confirms its safety, “he said CNN Stanley Sue, a researcher in the field of research and evaluation at Kaiser Permanent Southern California, led the study team.

“In fact, it shows that those who were vaccinated against Govt-19 had a lower mortality rate than those who were not vaccinated, even though Govt deaths were excluded.

The team studied 6.4 million people who were vaccinated against Govt-19 and compared them with the 4.6 million who received them. Influenza vaccines In recent years, but not vaccinated Corona virus. They screened all of the dead after Govt-19 or the recent positive test for the dead.

“Between December 2020 and July 2021, those receiving the Covit-19 vaccine had lower mortality rates from other diseases than those not vaccinated after adjusting their age, gender, race and ethnicity and location of the study,” they wrote.

The study found that those who received two doses of Pfizer vaccine in the next few months were 34 percent more likely to die from causes unrelated to the corona virus than those who were not vaccinated.

Those who receive two doses of the modern vaccine are 31% more likely to die than those who are not vaccinated; Those with the Johnson (Johnson & Johnson) single-dose vaccine have a 54% chance of dying, Sue said.

Part of this is that those who are vaccinated are healthier than those who are not, the researchers said.

“The lower mortality risk after Govit-19 vaccines indicates significant side effects (i.e., vaccinated people are healthier than non-vaccinated people), which will be explored in future analyzes,” the researchers wrote.

“This finding strengthens the safety profile of the currently approved Covit-19 vaccine in the United States. All people 12 years of age and older should receive the Covit-19 vaccine,” they concluded.

(Translated text; Read the original In English)

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