July 27, 2024

“We will solve it in court …”; Bruna is accused of alleged bias in BBB 23 and the team shows itself

2 min read
“We will solve it in court …”;  Bruna is accused of alleged bias in BBB 23 and the team shows itself
“We will solve it in court …”;  Bruna is accused of alleged bias in BBB 23 and the team shows itself


The model was, this past Monday (20), the target of another fake news on Twitter

Images: Playback / BBB / Gshow
Images: Playback / BBB / Gshow

Last Monday (20), on Twitter, Bruna Grippo He was the target of other fake news on BBB 23. The sister was sunbathing with some participants in the outdoor area, when she called Marvella – Who wore a blue bikini – from “urublue”. After several accusations of bias and model bombing, the team decided to speak out.

“We need to do another video verdict to reiterate that accusing someone of racism is slander! Another cut that was done in a mean way and went viral and no, Bruna didn’t call Marvvila urublue. I just brought up the term Alface said in rhyme and pointed to the sky.”An excerpt from the statement said. According to Bruna’s advisory, it all started with a game Ricardo lettuce.

Photo: Playback / BBB / Gshow

During the afternoon at the pool, the word eagle was spoken in various contexts, such as when Allen mentioned that eagles are born white, when Fred says he started calling eagles he saw “eagles” and Bruna talking about eagles at her window. Lettuce is played on The old joke “What’s the blue dot in the sky?” urublue “and everyone who was there heard it”.

Bruna started a rhyme, talked about Marvella and her blue bikini, pointed at the sky and posed with urublue. That’s what happened and any deliberate misinterpretation. The intent is to be so pushy on Bruna that the page that posted the video quickly blocked Bruna. We will not tolerate false accusations Any longer. We’ll settle it in court.”I finish.

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