July 27, 2024

Youtuber leaves Switch OLED running for over a year to test the effects of burn-in

3 min read
Youtuber deixa Switch OLED ligado por mais de um ano para testar os efeitos do burn-in
Youtuber deixa Switch OLED ligado por mais de um ano para testar os efeitos do burn-in

John Lennon He said that everything in life has a price, so nothing is free. This price can be understood as consequences of something, and in the case of a technology-based panel OLED This price to pay is risk burn in. This process of generating dots on the screen is related to the technology itself, so no matter how careful you are, there is always a risk.

On the other hand, there is a stiffener at the top of the thread. It’s easy to find comments online of people discouraging others from buying an OLED TV because of the risk of burn-in, as if it was something that happened at an alarming pace, in a short period of time. Although it is not possible to give an answer to either side, we can come to a middle ground and say that the risk of burn-in, for the absolute majority of devices that use OLED, is low.

The market itself is trying to find solutions that try to further mitigate the effects of this problem on boards. The An apple, For example, the OLED panel is used in the latest iPhones, and the company explains that it uses special algorithms that monitor the use of each pixel to produce data about the screen’s calibration. iPhone uses this data to automatically adjust the brightness levels of each pixel as needed to reduce the visual effects of screen burn and maintain a consistent viewing experience. These etching effects will be the stains that the painting acquires over time. Remember that in addition to OLED, even LCD panels can smudge, and in this case, it’s more related to an image retention issue, which is a temporary effect.

A recent test shows the effects of burn-in on a device that uses an OLED screen. Youtuber Bob Wulff did the following experiment, taking a Nintendo Switch OLED and leaving it exposed for hours on end without a break. First, Wolfe showed the effects of combustion after running the device for 3,600 hours, which equals 150 days. The conclusion was that the screen has already begun to show signs of burning, but the device can still be used further, since it does not interfere with the game.

Testing was completed after the device had been in operation for a total of 13 continuous months of exposure to the image. 10,000 hours is amazing. At this point the console screen showed blotches that made continued use pointless. The testing was done in a way that deviated completely from the normal usage pattern, since in addition to staying connected for an atypical amount of hours, the console was displaying the same picture the entire time, which is a harsh characteristic of any OLED panel.

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Some cool features and numbers aren’t necessarily a really big problem for the user. We can use an SSD example here. All SSDs have an average value of TBW, which is the average amount, represented in terabytes, that drive will be able to handle data writes. Tests have already shown that it is entirely possible to bypass what the manufacturer states as a minimum for data logging, and it is very likely that you have already changed your SSD, or even changed your device, before the logging has finished, considering the standard average of the absolute majority of users , is really a problem.

The same goes for OLED. The technology has implied limitations, but in a scenario where a device leaves the factory in perfect condition, the effects of combustion in most devices are, under most conditions of use, negligible. Technology is developing.

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