July 27, 2024

Alcides supposedly died after a bloody battle for Bruaca TV News

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Alcides supposedly died after a bloody battle for Bruaca TV News
Alcides supposedly died after a bloody battle for Bruaca TV News

fibrous Leandro Lima will transcend all limits with treachery ladies (Giuliano Cazari) in wet land. Foreman Tenorio Murillo Benicio will alert the newcomer to a bad thing from his boss, but he will be coldly attacked by his teammate. After a bloody battle, the strongman is presumed dead. However, he will be more alive than ever – ready to enforce the wishes of the squatters and “save” the honor broca Isabel Teixeira on Globo at 9 AM.

Morello Benicio’s character, after all, isn’t happy with her new pair of trumpets on Bruno Luberi’s series. On Monday (30), he actually showed a display of jealousy when he grabbed his wife in the Romantic lunch with pawns. But the situation will only get worse in the following seasons, when the mustache will notice the growth Proximity between Bruaca and former employee of José Leôncio (Marcos Palmera).

In a fit of rage, he will start making fibrous food for the piranha. But as usual, the rich guy won’t do the dirty work. According to writer Patricia Cogot, of O Globo newspaper, he will order Alcides to throw the newcomer in river of hungry animals.

But Giuliano Cazzari’s character will not bother to follow his boss’s orders. After all, the newcomer has already shown that he can be a great ally in his vengeful pursuits. Therefore, the shepherd will open his mouth and publish his boss’s plan at the first opportunity.

The problem is that the executioner Tiberius Guito is not trusted at all. He won’t believe his partner’s good intentions and will try to save his skin before it’s too late. Levi will get ahead of his teammate, and in the middle of the melee, he will take out a pistol and shoot him.

stalker seedlings (Bella Campos), then, will drop Alcides’ body and run to Tapera for Juma (Alanis Guillen). Sarcastic, he will ask for shelter, claiming that Tenório was responsible for Alcides’ death.

But Goff’s girlfriend (Jesuta Barbosa) won’t fall for nonsense. With her snub nose for lies, a Jaguar girl will put the villain on the run.

In the meantime, the audience will see that Broca’s darling will have survived the attack. Enraged by the betrayal, he is eager to end Levi’s life.

Written by Benedito Ruy Barbosa, the telenovela Pantanal was introduced in 1990 by the extinct Manchete (1983-1999). Globo edition adapted by Bruno Luberi, grandson of the story’s creatorIt will be on the air until October.

Find out all about the following seasons of the series with the Noveleiros podcast:

Listen to “#103 – Is Cara e Coragem Worth Watching? Find out what to expect from the TV series” on Spreaker.

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