A gambler named Ward Thomas, a resident of Long Beach, California, in the United States, has filed a lawsuit with...
Osbert Jordan
Jair Bolsonaro was the target of the PF operation - Photo: Agência BrasilA report by the consulting firm Arquimedes indicates...
Brazil will be able to include topics of economic and trade interest in the "rich group" meetings. President Lula 247...
Having a large amount with bad management is a big risk, as there is a high probability of this You...
+ Gutino's brave attitude when he surprised everyone when he left the station to close it with another + Public...
The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry discussed what she said were Warsaw's intentions to absorb part of Ukrainian...
Instagram is a popular platform to connect with friends, family, and new people. Recently, many users add a specific emoji...
on the right is the victim with a fish he has caught; On the left is a picture of two...
Lola and King Charles in 2009, at a meeting at Planalto Palace Photo: Jose Cruz/Agência Brasil President Luiz Inácio Lula...
In some cases, doctors are forced to make unconventional decisions to save someone's life. This is what happened to the...