Determining the most distant star that we can see in the sky without the help of equipment may seem like...
Andrea Houle
+ In 2014, when she was just two years old, she was the Australian Pixie Curtis She became a phenomenon...
The Municipal Health Administration (SMS) informs parents and guardians residing in Salvador Children between the ages of 5 and 11,...
Citigroup, the largest in the world Financial Services In the world, it announced the termination of employment of all employees...
With 60.8% of the vote, Kananda Eller (Tweet embed) selected by readers Tweet embed Baiana of the Year Award in...
Após uma longa espera de pelo menos seis meses, o Governo Federal retorna com os pagamentos do abono salarial do...
The number of public health professionals in the city of Sao Paulo on leave after contracting Covid-19 has nearly tripled...
National Civil Aviation Agency (I am) The Itapemirim Transportes Aéreos (ITA) on Friday (7) prevented, through a precautionary measure, the...
Painting an asteroid with metallic paint might be a cheap and effective alternative to keeping it off Earth. The idea,...
to push Calendar allowance 2022 Pis / Pasep. a Box Starting February 8th, Económica Federal will release the new payments...