In Greenland a Sharks The one that lives in deep waters is considered the oldest animal on Earth, because according...
Andrea Houle
The official name of the Chinese dictatorship is the People's Republic of China.The problem is that the only thing "popular"...
1 of 1 The Crew-5 mission consists of four astronauts from three countries: Anna Kikina, Josh Kasada, Nicole Mann, and...
Scammers are carrying out a new scam (Pix multiplier scam), which includes the central bank's instant payment system, Pix.In recent...
1 in 3 Back pain affects more than 80% of the population at some point in their lives - Image:...
Brazilians can rely on the Caixa Tem app to access various services. Associated with the Caixa Econômica Federal Corporation, the...
For many years, scientists have been searching for other planets in the universe, either to find a new home in...
The Minister of Finance warns of credit deterioration and calls for an urgent cut in interest rates Finance Minister Fernando...
Immunizer is only available on the private health network. Both men and women between the ages of 9 and 45...
new batch of PIS/PASEP Salary Bonus They will be released in a few days to millions of workers. On March...