July 27, 2024

Average deaths due to coronavirus are below 270 in Brazil after a year and a half – 02/11/2021

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Average deaths due to coronavirus are below 270 in Brazil after a year and a half - 02/11/2021
Average deaths due to coronavirus are below 270 in Brazil after a year and a half - 02/11/2021

Brazil ends the holiday with another indication of improvement in epidemic numbers. Today, the country recorded a moving average of fewer than 270 deaths for the first time since the end of April 2020.

According to data obtained by the Federation of Press Vehicles, among them UOL By state health departments, there were 164 deaths between yesterday and today, and the average was 261. This is the lowest average since April 26, 2020, when there were 258 deaths.

On Saturday (30), the record was on Lowest moving average in 18 months. On Sunday (31), Brazil closed October in the name of A month with fewer deaths per COVID-19 Since April 2020. Yesterday (1) the country had Average of less than 300 deaths for the first time Since the fourth month of last year.

The improvement in numbers does not mean that the epidemic is over. To fight the virus, it is still necessary to use a mask and be vaccinated against COVID-19.

Today’s rate is 31% lower than the figure 14 days ago, indicating a downward trend in deaths across the country. The moving average has been below 400 for 22 days and below 350 since October 23.

With 164 deaths recorded today, the total number of deaths from the disease reached 60,8118, according to the consortium.

The moving average is the best indicator for analyzing the epidemic, as it corrects for fluctuations in data from health departments that occur on weekends and holidays. The average of the past seven days was compared to the same indicator 14 days ago. If it remains below -15%, this indicates a downtrend; Above 15% acceleration. Between these two values, stability.

Today, six states have not reported deaths from COVID-19. They are: Acre, Amapa, Mato Grosso do Sul, Rondonia, Roraima and Sergipe.

There was a decline in the moving average of deaths in 20 states and the Federal District, while three of them exited. The other three recorded stability.

All regions of the country showed a decrease: Midwest (-48%), Northeast (-18%), North (-54%), Southeast (-23%), South (-42%)

As of 20 yesterday, 6,383 new cases of Corona Virus Positive tests averaged 10,073. Since the beginning of the epidemic, 2,181,812 have been diagnosed with the disease.

View the situation by state and by the Federal District

Southeast region

  • Espirito Santo: Regression (-21%)
  • Minas Gerais: relegation (-22%)
  • Rio de Janeiro: relegation (-44%)
  • Sao Paulo: stable (-1%)

The northern area

Northeast region

  • Maranhão: stable (-8%)
  • Rio Grande do Norte: High (73%)

Midwest region

  • Federal District: remains (-35%)
  • Mato Grosso: Kida (-59%)
  • Mato Grosso do Sul: Kida (-61%)

Southern area

  • Rio Grande do Sul: Relegation (-19%)
  • Santa Catarina: fall (-18%)

Ministry data

Today, the Ministry of Health reported that Brazil has reported 149 new deaths from COVID-19 in the past 24 hours. Since the beginning of the epidemic, the disease has caused 608,071 deaths across the country.

According to the ministry’s figures, there were 6,431 positive tests for the Covid-19 virus between yesterday and today in Brazil, bringing the total number of infected people to 2,182,1124 since March 2020.

According to the federal government, 21015,876 cases of the disease have been cured so far, with another 19,777 cases to be followed.

Pfizer forecasts $29 billion in COVID-19 vaccine sales in 2022

Pfizer announced on Tuesday (2) Projected sales of $29 billion of COVID-19 vaccine for 2022, better than expected value, and said it is trying to sign more agreements with countries for the vaccine developed in partnership with Germany’s BioNTech.

The company said that while it has the capacity to produce 4 billion doses by 2022, it currently expects sales of 1.7 billion doses by 2022, indicating that expectations may increase as Pfizer signs more vaccine deals.

Pfizer, which shares vaccine expenses and profits equally with partner BioNTech, raised its forecast for vaccine sales to $36 billion in 2021, indicating that the vaccine will represent up to 44% of its total sales for the year.

Vehicles combine for information

In response to the government’s decision Jair Bolsonaro To restrict access to data related to the covid-19 pandemic and the media UOLand O Estado de S. Paulo, Folha de S. Paulo, O Globo, g1 and Extra consortium to work collaboratively to obtain necessary information directly from state health secretariats in the 27 units of the federation.

The federal government, through the Ministry of Health, should be the natural source for these numbers, but the positions of the authorities and the president himself during the pandemic cast doubt on the availability and accuracy of the data.

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