July 26, 2024

Brazilian Issy La Raina talks about her life in the United States: “I have no one to support me” – Qum

4 min read
Brazilian Issy La Raina talks about her life in the United States: "I have no one to support me" - Qum
Brazilian Issy La Raina talks about her life in the United States: "I have no one to support me" - Qum
Easy La Raina starred in her new solo song (Photo: Playback / Instagram)

Easy La Raina starred in her new solo song (Photo: Playback / Instagram)

Karaoke singer Easy La Raina, 31, decided to move to the United States seven years ago, after which he pursued the goal of pursuing an artistic career. With the arrival of your single room, the love regaten Hamlet – The song was available on digital sites on May 20, but the clip will be released on May 27 -, he spoke. WHO Directly from Los Angeles, California.

“I first lived in California when I was 14, but after a while I returned to Brazil. At 24, I came back to stay. I encountered difficulties twice. I came alone, I came to a city I knew completely. No one. I had to work in all forms of unemployment to support myself, except coming home without work, and was able to make my living in music.Izi worked as a babysitter and waitress in pubs and restaurants.

According to the singer, the instability of the environment did not ease the path. “I wanted to focus 100% on my dream, but the bills had to be paid. I had no support in Los Angeles. It took me a few years to focus 100% on the Izzy artist and create the connections I needed. Such as invitations to newcomer competitions American statue And VoiceHe demanded that I have the documents that would allow me to work in the country, which I did not have at the time … so, I had to pass many opportunities.

Who: After La AbsurdatYou throw Hamlet. How do you assess the current moment of your career?
Easy Larina:
La Absurdat My first song in 100% Spanish The devil And Boy toy, My first publications were in “Sponglish”. I see this song as a tribute to Hispanic speaking countries. It was the Hispanic community in Los Angeles that welcomed me here during my immigration process, so I have a loving relationship with these cultures, and my art comes a lot from this place of affection.

Izi La Raina, from Rio de Janeiro, lives in California, USA (Photo: Jesus Mendes)

Izi La Raina, from Rio de Janeiro, lives in California, USA (Photo: Jesus Mendes)

How old were you when you went to America? What were the main difficulties you encountered while moving to another country?
I first lived in California when I was 14, but after a while I moved back to Brazil and came back to stay at 24. Both times I faced difficulties. I came alone, to a city I knew no one. One of my biggest difficulties was having to work in all forms of unemployment, with little money from me, coming to another country without a job, being able to support myself, and being able to make my living in music without. Can really stop.

Isn’t giving up an option?
I wanted to focus 100% on my dream, but the bills also had to be paid. I have no support from anyone in Los Angeles. Izzy was 100% focused on the artist and it took me a few years to create the connections I needed, and it was a lot of struggle and sweat. Also, music opportunities that came to me, like invitations to newcomer competitions American statue And VoiceI was asked to have the documents that would allow me to work in the country, which I did not have at the time … so, a lot of opportunities had to be allowed to pass me by.

Easy La Raina starred in her new solo song (Photo: Playback / Instagram)

Easy La Raina starred in her new solo song (Photo: Playback / Instagram)

How was work in Los Angeles?
Now that I’m under the guise of hiding myself and having my work documents with me, that was great (laughs). The entertainment industry here is very mature and it is a pleasure to work with and approach many incredible professionals who have collaborated with many whom you have admired since childhood. This is the city that inspires me to be better at what I do.

What are your main dreams?
I want to be a great presenter in the Latin and American music market and one of Brazil’s representatives abroad. I think the world needs more Brazilians to dominate. I dream that I can inspire millions of people with my music and story. I think the role of a singer or singer is beyond music, our big purpose is to inspire. I want to show women and immigrants who live in a well-known reality that we can achieve our dreams and goals even if the world around us is against us.

How often do you visit Brazil?
Twice a year. I went three times last year and hope this year I will go more. I dream of the day I go to Brazil to do a show. There is nothing better than singing for your own people.

Easy La Raina tattooed the word 'art' on her left thigh (Photo: Jesus Mendes)

Easy La Raina tattooed the word ‘art’ on her left thigh (Photo: Jesus Mendes)

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